Exact Match:
- nestling
- young bird not yet fledged
- amorous dalliance,
- apprentice,
- avifauna,
- baby,
- baby bird,
- beginner,
- billing and cooing,
- bird,
- bird of Jove,
- bird of Juno,
- bird of Minerva,
- bird of night,
- bird of passage,
- bird of prey,
- birdie,
- birdlife,
- birdling,
- birdy,
- bundling,
- cage bird,
- calf,
- callow,
- caressing,
- catechumen,
- catling,
- chick,
- chickling,
- chicky,
- colt,
- cub,
- cuddling,
- cygnet,
- dalliance,
- deb,
- debutant,
- dewy,
- diving bird,
- dogie,
- dove,
- duckling,
- eagle,
- eaglet,
- entrant,
- ever-new,
- evergreen,
- fawn,
- firsthand,
- fish-eating bird,
- fledgling,
- flightless bird,
- foal,
- fondling,
- fowl,
- fresh,
- freshman,
- fruit-eating bird,
- fryer,
- fulmar,
- game bird,
- gosling,
- green,
- greenhorn,
- greeny,
- hugging,
- immature,
- infant,
- insect-eating bird,
- intact,
- kid,
- kissing,
- kit,
- kitten,
- lamb,
- lambkin,
- learner,
- litter,
- lollygagging,
- lovemaking,
- maiden,
- maidenly,
- migrant,
- migratory bird,
- necking,
- neophyte,
- neoteric,
- nest,
- new,
- newcomer,
- novice,
- novitiate,
- nuzzling,
- original,
- oscine bird,
- owl,
- passerine bird,
- peacock,
- peafowl,
- peahen,
- perching bird,
- petting,
- pigeon,
- piglet,
- pigling,
- polliwog,
- pristine,
- probationer,
- pullet,
- pup,
- puppy,
- ratite,
- raw,
- raw recruit,
- recruit,
- rookie,
- sea bird,
- seed-eating bird,
- sempervirent,
- sexual intercourse,
- shoat,
- shore bird,
- snuggling,
- songbird,
- spooning,
- squab,
- storm petrel,
- stormy petrel,
- swan,
- tadpole,
- tenderfoot,
- trainee,
- tyro,
- unbeaten,
- undeveloped,
- unfledged,
- unhandled,
- untouched,
- untried,
- untrodden,
- unused,
- vernal,
- virgin,
- virginal,
- wading bird,
- warbler,
- water bird,
- waterfowl,
- weaner,
- whelp,
- wildfowl,
- yeanling,
- young