Exact Match:
- noble
- having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character; "a noble spirit"; "noble deeds"
- of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth"
- inert especially toward oxygen; "a noble gas such as helium or neon"; "noble metals include gold and silver and platinum"
- Babylonian,
- Brahman,
- Christian,
- Corinthian,
- acclaimed,
- admirable,
- advantageous,
- archduke,
- aristocrat,
- aristocratic,
- armiger,
- august,
- auspicious,
- awe-inspiring,
- awful,
- barbaric,
- baron,
- baronet,
- baronial,
- beneficial,
- benevolent,
- big,
- bighearted,
- blameless,
- blue blood,
- blue-blooded,
- bon,
- bonny,
- braw,
- bueno,
- capital,
- celebrated,
- changeless,
- chivalrous,
- clean,
- cogent,
- commendable,
- conspicuous,
- constant,
- count,
- courtly,
- creditable,
- daimio,
- decent,
- deluxe,
- dignified,
- distinguished,
- ducal,
- duke,
- earl,
- elaborate,
- elegant,
- elevated,
- eminent,
- erect,
- esquire,
- esteemed,
- estimable,
- ethical,
- exalted,
- excellent,
- exceptional,
- expedient,
- exquisite,
- extraordinary,
- extravagant,
- fair,
- faithful,
- famous,
- fancy,
- favorable,
- fine,
- full of integrity,
- generous,
- genteel,
- gentle,
- gentleman,
- gentlemanlike,
- gentlemanly,
- gentlewoman,
- glorious,
- godlike,
- good,
- goodly,
- grand,
- grand duke,
- grandee,
- grandiose,
- grave,
- great,
- great of heart,
- greathearted,
- handsome,
- healthy,
- held in esteem,
- helpful,
- heroic,
- hidalgo,
- high,
- high-class,
- high-minded,
- high-principled,
- high-ranking,
- highly esteemed,
- highly regarded,
- highly reputed,
- highly respectable,
- honest,
- honorable,
- honored,
- idealistic,
- illustrious,
- immaculate,
- immutable,
- imposing,
- impressive,
- in favor,
- in good odor,
- in high favor,
- incommutable,
- inconvertible,
- incorruptible,
- indefeasible,
- inert,
- inspiring,
- insusceptible of change,
- intransmutable,
- invariable,
- inviolate,
- irreproachable,
- irretrievable,
- irreversible,
- irrevocable,
- just,
- kind,
- kinglike,
- kingly,
- knightly,
- lace-curtain,
- lady,
- ladylike,
- laird,
- landgrave,
- largehearted,
- lasting,
- laudable,
- lauded,
- law-abiding,
- law-loving,
- law-revering,
- liberal,
- lofty,
- lord,
- lordling,
- lordly,
- loyal,
- luxurious,
- magisterial,
- magnanimous,
- magnate,
- magnificent,
- magnifico,
- majestic,
- manly,
- margrave,
- marked,
- marquis,
- memorable,
- meritorious,
- moral,
- moralistic,
- moving,
- nice,
- noble-minded,
- nobleman,
- noblewoman,
- none,
- nonreturnable,
- nonreversible,
- notable,
- noted,
- noteworthy,
- of gentle blood,
- of mark,
- of rank,
- openhanded,
- optimate,
- outstanding,
- palatial,
- palsgrave,
- patrician,
- peer,
- permanent,
- pleasant,
- plush,
- posh,
- prestigious,
- princelike,
- princely,
- principled,
- profitable,
- prominent,
- proud,
- pure,
- queenlike,
- queenly,
- quite the lady,
- rare,
- regal,
- remarkable,
- rememberable,
- renowned,
- reputable,
- respectable,
- respected,
- revered,
- reverend,
- reverseless,
- rich,
- right,
- right-minded,
- righteous,
- ritzy,
- royal,
- salient,
- sedate,
- seigneur,
- seignior,
- self-sacrificing,
- serious,
- signal,
- silk-stocking,
- skillful,
- soaring,
- sober,
- solemn,
- sound,
- special,
- splendacious,
- splendid,
- splendiferous,
- spotless,
- squire,
- stainless,
- stately,
- statuesque,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- sterling,
- striking,
- stunning,
- sublime,
- sumptuous,
- superb,
- superfancy,
- superfine,
- swank,
- swanky,
- swell,
- telling,
- thoroughbred,
- titled,
- towering,
- true,
- true-dealing,
- true-devoted,
- true-disposing,
- true-souled,
- true-spirited,
- truehearted,
- trustworthy,
- unalterable,
- unalterative,
- unaltered,
- unblemished,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- uncorrupt,
- uncorrupted,
- undefiled,
- undeflectable,
- undeviating,
- unforgettable,
- unimpeachable,
- unmodifiable,
- unremitting,
- unrestorable,
- unreturnable,
- unspotted,
- unstained,
- unsullied,
- unsusceptible,
- untarnished,
- unvariable,
- unvarying,
- upper-cruster,
- upright,
- uprighteous,
- upstanding,
- useful,
- valid,
- venerable,
- venerated,
- very good,
- virtuous,
- viscount,
- waldgrave,
- weighty,
- well-thought-of,
- worshipful,
- worthy,
- yeomanly