Exact Match:
- octet
- a musical composition written for eight performers
- eight people considered as a unit
- a set of eight similar things considered as a unit
- eight performers or singers who perform together
- Octateuch,
- Spenserian stanza,
- antistrophe,
- beta particle,
- bipartisanship,
- book,
- burden,
- canto,
- cathode particle,
- chorus,
- coaction,
- coadjuvancy,
- coadministration,
- coagency,
- cochairmanship,
- codirectorship,
- collaboration,
- collaborativeness,
- collectivism,
- collusion,
- commensalism,
- common effort,
- common enterprise,
- communalism,
- communism,
- communitarianism,
- community,
- complicity,
- concert,
- concord,
- concordance,
- concurrence,
- cooperation,
- cooperativeness,
- couplet,
- distich,
- duet,
- duettino,
- duo,
- duumvirate,
- ecumenicalism,
- ecumenicism,
- ecumenism,
- eight,
- eighter from Decatur,
- electron,
- electron affinity,
- electron cloud,
- electron pair,
- electron shells,
- electron spin,
- electron transfer,
- electron-positron pair,
- energy level,
- ensemble music,
- ensemble singing,
- envoi,
- epode,
- esprit,
- esprit de corps,
- excited state,
- extranuclear electrons,
- fellow feeling,
- fellowship,
- ground state,
- harmony,
- heptastich,
- hexastich,
- joining of forces,
- joint effort,
- joint operation,
- line,
- lone pair,
- mass action,
- measure,
- monostich,
- morale,
- mutual assistance,
- mutualism,
- mutuality,
- negatron,
- octad,
- octagon,
- octahedron,
- octameter,
- octastich,
- octastyle,
- octave,
- octavo,
- octonary,
- octosyllable,
- ogdoad,
- orbital electron,
- ottava rima,
- part music,
- part singing,
- part song,
- pentastich,
- photoelectron,
- polyphonic music,
- pooling,
- pooling of resources,
- pulling together,
- quartet,
- quatrain,
- quintet,
- reciprocity,
- recoil electron,
- refrain,
- rhyme royal,
- secondary electron,
- septet,
- septuor,
- sestet,
- sextet,
- shared pair,
- solidarity,
- stanza,
- stave,
- strain,
- strophe,
- subvalent electrons,
- surface-bound electron,
- syllable,
- symbiosis,
- synergism,
- synergy,
- team spirit,
- teamwork,
- tercet,
- terza rima,
- terzet,
- terzetto,
- tetrastich,
- thermion,
- trio,
- triplet,
- tristich,
- triumvirate,
- troika,
- united action,
- utas,
- valence electrons,
- valence shell,
- verse,
- wandering electron