Exact Match:
- odds
- the likelihood of a thing occurring rather than not occurring
- the ratio by which one better's wager is greater than that of another; "he offered odds of two to one"
- advantage,
- agreement to disagree,
- allowance,
- aptitude,
- asymmetry,
- at daggers drawn,
- at loggerheads,
- at odds,
- at variance,
- bulge,
- chance,
- chances,
- clashing,
- coign of vantage,
- conflicting,
- contrariety,
- contrast,
- cross-purposes,
- deadwood,
- debris,
- departure,
- deviation,
- difference,
- difference of opinion,
- differing,
- difficulty,
- disaccord,
- disaccordance,
- disagreeing,
- disagreement,
- disconformity,
- discongruity,
- discordance,
- discrepancy,
- discreteness,
- disequilibrium,
- disparity,
- disproportion,
- dissent,
- dissimilarity,
- dissonance,
- distinction,
- distinctness,
- divergence,
- divergency,
- diversity,
- dividedness,
- division,
- draw,
- drop,
- edge,
- equivalent odds,
- even break,
- even chance,
- expectation,
- fair expectation,
- fair shake,
- far cry,
- favorable prospect,
- fifty-fifty,
- flying start,
- fragments,
- good chance,
- half a chance,
- handicap,
- head start,
- heterogeneity,
- hundred-to-one shot,
- imbalance,
- in disagreement,
- in opposition,
- inaccordance,
- inadequacy,
- incompatibility,
- incongruity,
- inconsistency,
- inconsonance,
- inequality,
- inequity,
- inharmonious,
- inharmoniousness,
- inharmony,
- injustice,
- inside track,
- insufficiency,
- irreconcilability,
- irregularity,
- jump,
- lead,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- liability,
- likelihood,
- likeliness,
- litter,
- long odds,
- long shot,
- misunderstanding,
- mixture,
- no chance,
- nonconformity,
- nonuniformity,
- oddments,
- odds and ends,
- opposition,
- otherness,
- out of line,
- outlook,
- overbalance,
- particles,
- polarization,
- presumption,
- presumptive evidence,
- price,
- probabilism,
- probability,
- prospect,
- reasonable ground,
- reasonable hope,
- rubbish,
- running start,
- scraps,
- separateness,
- short odds,
- shortcoming,
- shreds,
- small chance,
- something extra,
- something in reserve,
- square odds,
- standoff,
- start,
- superiority,
- tendency,
- toss,
- toss-up,
- touch and go,
- unbalance,
- unconformity,
- unevenness,
- unfair discrimination,
- unlikeness,
- unorthodoxy,
- upper hand,
- vantage,
- vantage ground,
- vantage point,
- variance,
- variation,
- variegation,
- variety,
- verisimilitude,
- well-grounded hope,
- whip hand