increased or intensified in value or beauty or quality; "her enhanced beauty was the result of a good night's sleep rather than makeup"; "careful cleaning was responsible for the enhanced value of the painting"
the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation; "a hotheaded decision"; "liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers"; "an impetuous display of spending and gambling"; "madcap escapades"; (`brainish' is archaic)
not processed or subjected to analysis; "raw data"; "the raw cost of production"; "only the crude vital statistics"
belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"; "primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains"
not carefully or expertly made; "managed to make a crude splint"; "a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them"; "rough carpentry"
something inferior in quality or condition or effect; "for better or for worse"; "accused of cheating and lying and worse"
(comparative of `bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability; "this road is worse than the first one we took"; "the road is in worse shape than it was"; "she was accused of worse things than cheating and lying"
changed for the worse in health or fitness; "I feel worse today"; "her cold is worse"
(comparative of `ill') in a less effective or successful or desirable manner; "he did worse on the second exam"
an alkaloidal extract or tincture of the poisonous belladonna plant that is used medicinally
perennial Eurasian herb with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries; extensively grown in United States; roots and leaves yield atropine