sparing in consumption of especially food and drink; "the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious"- John Galsworthy
marked by temperance in indulgence; "abstemious with the use of adverbs"; "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper"
any unwanted and destructive insect or other animal that attacks food or crops or livestock etc.; "he sprayed the garden to get rid of pests"; "many pests have developed resistance to the common pesticides"
something or someone that causes trouble; a source of unhappiness; "washing dishes was a nuisance before we got a dish washer"; "a bit of a bother"; "he's not a friend, he's an infliction"
limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group"
have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain"
a small amount or duration; "he accepted the little they gave him"
small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context); "a nice little job"; "bless your little heart"; "my dear little mother"; "a sweet little deal"; "I'm tired of your petty little schemes"; "filthy little tricks"; "what a nasty little situation"
(of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voice"
lowercase; "little a"; "small a"; "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters"
(of children and animals) young, immature; "what a big little boy you are"; "small children"