Exact Match:
- onslaught
- a sudden and severe onset of trouble
- abuse,
- aggravated assault,
- aggression,
- amphibious attack,
- appulse,
- armed assault,
- assailing,
- assailment,
- assault,
- attack,
- banzai attack,
- battering,
- berating,
- bitter words,
- blackening,
- blitz,
- blitzkrieg,
- breakthrough,
- brunt,
- bulldozing,
- bulling,
- bump,
- butchery,
- cannon,
- carambole,
- carom,
- charge,
- clash,
- collision,
- concussion,
- contumely,
- counterattack,
- counteroffensive,
- coup de main,
- crack-up,
- crash,
- crippling attack,
- crump,
- crunch,
- dead set at,
- descent on,
- diatribe,
- disorderliness,
- diversion,
- diversionary attack,
- drive,
- encounter,
- execration,
- flank attack,
- forcible seizure,
- frontal attack,
- gas attack,
- hammering,
- hard words,
- head-on attack,
- impact,
- impingement,
- infiltration,
- invective,
- jawing,
- jeremiad,
- killing,
- laying waste,
- lightning attack,
- lightning war,
- looting,
- mass attack,
- massacre,
- mauling,
- meeting,
- megadeath,
- mugging,
- obstreperousness,
- offense,
- offensive,
- onset,
- overkill,
- panzer warfare,
- percussion,
- philippic,
- pillaging,
- push,
- ramming,
- rape,
- rating,
- revilement,
- riot,
- rioting,
- run against,
- run at,
- rush,
- sacking,
- sally,
- screed,
- shock,
- shock tactics,
- sideswipe,
- slaughter,
- sledgehammering,
- smash,
- smash-up,
- smashing,
- sortie,
- sowing with salt,
- strike,
- thrusting,
- tirade,
- tongue-lashing,
- unprovoked assault,
- unruliness,
- vilification,
- violation,
- vituperation,
- whomp