Exact Match:
- outcast
- a person who is rejected (from society or home)
- DP,
- Diogenes,
- Hieronymian,
- Hieronymite,
- Ishmael,
- Jim Crow,
- Timon of Athens,
- abandoned,
- alien,
- anchoress,
- anchorite,
- apartheid,
- ascetic,
- bedridden invalid,
- cast-off,
- castaway,
- chronic poor,
- cloistered monk,
- closet cynic,
- color bar,
- declasse,
- defenseless,
- depressed class,
- derelict,
- desert fathers,
- desert saints,
- deserted,
- desolate,
- disowned,
- displaced person,
- division,
- eremite,
- ethnocentrism,
- evacuee,
- evictee,
- exclusiveness,
- exile,
- exiled,
- expatriate,
- expellee,
- fatherless,
- foreigner,
- forlorn,
- forsaken,
- friendless,
- ghetto-dwellers,
- godforsaken,
- helpless,
- hermit,
- hermitess,
- homebody,
- homeless,
- houseless,
- insularity,
- insulation,
- invalid,
- isolation,
- isolationist,
- kithless,
- know-nothingism,
- leper,
- loner,
- marabout,
- motherless,
- narrowness,
- out-group,
- outcast of society,
- outcaste,
- outcasts,
- outlaw,
- outside the gates,
- outside the pale,
- outsider,
- pariah,
- parochialism,
- persona non grata,
- pillar saint,
- pillarist,
- poverty subculture,
- quarantine,
- race hatred,
- racial segregation,
- recluse,
- refugee,
- reject,
- rejected,
- seclusion,
- seclusionist,
- segregation,
- separation,
- shut-in,
- slum-dwellers,
- snobbishness,
- social outcast,
- solitaire,
- solitary,
- solitudinarian,
- stateless,
- stay-at-home,
- stranger,
- stylite,
- the disadvantaged,
- the dispossessed,
- the poor,
- the powerless,
- the underprivileged,
- tightness,
- unacceptable person,
- undesirable,
- unestablished,
- unfriended,
- unharbored,
- unhoused,
- unplaced,
- unsettled,
- untouchable,
- xenophobia