Exact Match:
- outlaw
- declare illegal; outlaw; "Marijuana is criminalized in the U.S."
- DP,
- Ishmael,
- Judas,
- Uitlander,
- abstract,
- actionable,
- against the law,
- alien,
- anarchic,
- anarchistic,
- anomic,
- bad guy,
- bad person,
- badman,
- ban,
- bandit,
- banish,
- bar,
- barbarian,
- betrayer,
- black-market,
- blackball,
- blacklist,
- bootleg,
- boycott,
- brigand,
- cast off,
- cast out,
- castaway,
- chargeable,
- chuck,
- clear,
- clear away,
- clear out,
- clear the decks,
- contraband,
- contrary to law,
- convict,
- criminal,
- crook,
- cut,
- cut out,
- debar,
- deceiver,
- declasse,
- delinquent,
- deny,
- deport,
- deracine,
- derelict,
- desperado,
- desperate criminal,
- disallow,
- disfellowship,
- displaced person,
- dispose of,
- double-dealer,
- eject,
- elide,
- eliminate,
- embargo,
- emigre,
- enjoin,
- eradicate,
- evictee,
- evildoer,
- exclude,
- exclude from,
- excommunicate,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expel,
- expellee,
- extradite,
- felon,
- felonious,
- flawed,
- footpad,
- forbid,
- foreign devil,
- foreigner,
- fugitate,
- fugitive,
- gallows bird,
- gangster,
- gaolbird,
- get quit of,
- get rid of,
- get shut of,
- gringo,
- gunman,
- gunslinger,
- highwayman,
- illegal,
- illegitimate,
- illicit,
- impermissible,
- inhibit,
- interdict,
- irregular,
- jailbird,
- justiciable,
- lawbreaker,
- lawless,
- leper,
- liquidate,
- malefactor,
- malevolent,
- malfeasant,
- malfeasor,
- misfeasor,
- mobster,
- nonconstitutional,
- nonlegal,
- nonlicit,
- ostracize,
- outcast,
- outcast of society,
- outcaste,
- outlander,
- outlawed,
- outsider,
- pariah,
- persona non grata,
- picaroon,
- pick out,
- pirate,
- preclude,
- prevent,
- prohibit,
- proscribe,
- public enemy,
- punishable,
- purge,
- quisling,
- racketeer,
- refugee,
- refuse,
- reject,
- relegate,
- remove,
- renegade,
- repress,
- robber,
- root out,
- root up,
- rule out,
- rusticate,
- say no to,
- scofflaw,
- send away,
- send down,
- send to Coventry,
- shut out,
- sinner,
- snub,
- social outcast,
- spurn,
- stranger,
- strike off,
- strike out,
- suppress,
- swindler,
- taboo,
- the Wandering Jew,
- thief,
- throw over,
- throw overboard,
- thrust out,
- thug,
- traitor,
- tramontane,
- transgressor,
- transport,
- triable,
- two-timer,
- ultramontane,
- unacceptable person,
- unallowed,
- unauthorized,
- unconstitutional,
- under-the-counter,
- under-the-table,
- undesirable,
- unlawful,
- unofficial,
- unstatutory,
- untouchable,
- unwarrantable,
- unwarranted,
- villain,
- wanderer,
- weed out,
- worker of ill,
- wrongdoer,
- wrongful