Exact Match:
- outrage
- a wantonly cruel act
- abomination,
- abuse,
- afflict,
- affront,
- aggrieve,
- anger,
- aspersion,
- atrocity,
- attack,
- bad,
- bane,
- barbarism,
- barbarity,
- batter,
- befoul,
- befoulment,
- bewitch,
- bitterness,
- blight,
- breach,
- brickbat,
- bruise,
- brutality,
- buffet,
- call names,
- chafe,
- condemn,
- contempt,
- contumely,
- corrupt,
- corruption,
- crime,
- crime against humanity,
- crucify,
- cruelty,
- crying evil,
- curse,
- cut,
- damage,
- deadly sin,
- defile,
- defilement,
- deflorate,
- deflower,
- delinquency,
- deprave,
- dereliction,
- desecrate,
- despite,
- despoil,
- despoliation,
- destroy,
- destruction,
- detriment,
- disadvantage,
- dishonor,
- disoblige,
- displease,
- disserve,
- disservice,
- distress,
- do a mischief,
- do evil,
- do ill,
- do violence to,
- do wrong,
- do wrong by,
- do wrong to,
- doom,
- dump,
- dump on,
- enormity,
- enrage,
- envenom,
- error,
- evil,
- failure,
- fault,
- felony,
- fleer at,
- flout,
- flouting,
- force,
- genocide,
- get into trouble,
- gibe,
- gibe at,
- give offense,
- give offense to,
- give umbrage,
- great wrong,
- grievance,
- grieve,
- gross injustice,
- guilty act,
- harass,
- harm,
- havoc,
- heavy sin,
- hex,
- humiliate,
- humiliation,
- hurl a brickbat,
- hurt,
- hurt the feelings,
- ill,
- ill-treat,
- ill-treatment,
- ill-usage,
- ill-use,
- impair,
- imposition,
- impropriety,
- indignation,
- indignity,
- indiscretion,
- inexpiable sin,
- infect,
- infection,
- infuriate,
- inhumanity,
- iniquity,
- injure,
- injury,
- injustice,
- insult,
- ire,
- jeer,
- jeer at,
- jeering,
- jibe at,
- jinx,
- knock about,
- lapse,
- madden,
- malefaction,
- malfeasance,
- malignity,
- maltreat,
- maltreatment,
- malum,
- manhandle,
- maul,
- menace,
- minor wrong,
- miscarriage of justice,
- mischief,
- misdeed,
- misdemeanor,
- misfeasance,
- mishandle,
- mistreat,
- mistreatment,
- mock,
- mockery,
- molest,
- molestation,
- mortal sin,
- nettle,
- nonfeasance,
- offend,
- offense,
- omission,
- oppress,
- peccadillo,
- peccancy,
- persecute,
- play havoc with,
- play hob with,
- poison,
- pollute,
- pollution,
- prejudice,
- prosecute,
- put down,
- put-down,
- rape,
- ravage,
- ravish,
- raw deal,
- resentment,
- rile,
- rough,
- rough up,
- run,
- savage,
- savagery,
- scathe,
- scoff,
- scoff at,
- scurrility,
- shock,
- sin,
- sin of commission,
- sin of omission,
- sinful act,
- slight,
- slip,
- spoil,
- sting,
- taint,
- taunt,
- the worst,
- threaten,
- torment,
- tort,
- torture,
- toxin,
- transgression,
- treat with indignity,
- trespass,
- trip,
- uncomplimentary remark,
- unutterable sin,
- venial sin,
- venom,
- vex,
- vexation,
- violate,
- violation,
- violence,
- woe,
- wound,
- wrath,
- wreak havoc on,
- wrong,
- wrongdoing