- accidental,
- adrift,
- beside the mark,
- beside the point,
- beside the question,
- broken,
- broken off,
- by-the-way,
- casual,
- chopped-off,
- choppy,
- decousu,
- disconnected,
- discontinued,
- discontinuous,
- discrete,
- disjunctive,
- episodic,
- extraneous,
- extrinsic,
- fitful,
- herky-jerky,
- immaterial,
- impertinent,
- inadmissible,
- inapplicable,
- inapposite,
- inappropriate,
- incidental,
- incoherent,
- inconsequent,
- intercalary,
- interjectional,
- intermittent,
- interpolative,
- interrupted,
- irregular,
- irrelative,
- irrelevant,
- jagged,
- jerky,
- nihil ad rem,
- noncontinuous,
- nonessential,
- nonlinear,
- nonsequential,
- nonserial,
- nonuniform,
- not at issue,
- occasional,
- off the subject,
- out-of-the-way,
- parenthetic,
- patchy,
- scrappy,
- snatchy,
- spasmodic,
- spotty,
- suspended,
- unconnected,
- unessential,
- unjoined,
- unsuccessive