Exact Match:
- parochialism
- a limitation of views or interests like that defined by a local parish
- Jim Crow,
- alien,
- apartheid,
- authoritarianism,
- bigotry,
- blind side,
- blind spot,
- blinders,
- closed mind,
- color bar,
- cramped ideas,
- division,
- ethnocentrism,
- exclusiveness,
- fanaticism,
- foreigner,
- hideboundness,
- illiberality,
- insularism,
- insularity,
- insulation,
- isolation,
- know-nothingism,
- little-mindedness,
- littleness,
- mean mind,
- meanness,
- narrow sympathies,
- narrow views,
- narrow-mindedness,
- narrowness,
- nearsightedness,
- odium theologicum,
- out-group,
- outcast,
- outsider,
- persona non grata,
- pettiness,
- petty mind,
- provincialism,
- purblindness,
- quarantine,
- race hatred,
- racial segregation,
- seclusion,
- segregation,
- separation,
- shortsightedness,
- shut mind,
- smallness,
- snobbishness,
- straitlacedness,
- stranger,
- stuffiness,
- tightness,
- uncatholicity,
- xenophobia