Exact Match:
- pessimistic
- expecting the worst in this worst of all possible worlds
- Cassandra-like,
- Cassandran,
- Cassandrian,
- bleak,
- blue,
- bowed-down,
- cast down,
- cheerless,
- cynical,
- dashed,
- defeatist,
- dejected,
- depressed,
- despairing,
- despondent,
- desponding,
- discouraged,
- disheartened,
- dismal,
- dispirited,
- down,
- downbeat,
- downcast,
- downhearted,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- feeling low,
- forlorn,
- gloomy,
- glum,
- heartless,
- hopeless,
- hypochondriac,
- hypochondriacal,
- in low spirits,
- in the depths,
- in the doldrums,
- in the dumps,
- inauspicious,
- joyless,
- languishing,
- low,
- low-spirited,
- melancholy,
- negative,
- negativistic,
- nihilistic,
- pessimist,
- pining,
- sad,
- spiritless,
- subdued,
- suicidal,
- uncheerful,
- unhappy,
- weary of life,
- woebegone,
- world-weary