Exact Match:
- piano
- a stringed instrument that is played by depressing keys that cause hammers to strike tuned strings and produce sounds
- (music) low loudness
- used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the piano passages in the composition"
- used as a direction in music; to be played relatively softly
- Klavier,
- Steinway,
- a cappella,
- a la sourdine,
- abbandono,
- accrescendo,
- adagietto,
- adagio,
- affettuoso,
- agilmente,
- agitato,
- allegretto,
- allegro,
- amabile,
- amoroso,
- andante,
- andantino,
- appassionatamente,
- appassionato,
- baby grand,
- barely audible,
- brillante,
- capriccioso,
- cembalo,
- clarichord,
- clavicembalo,
- clavichord,
- clavicittern,
- clavicymbal,
- clavicytherium,
- clavier,
- con affetto,
- con agilita,
- con agitazione,
- con amore,
- concert grand,
- cottage piano,
- couched harp,
- crescendo,
- decrescendo,
- dim,
- diminuendo,
- dimly,
- distant,
- dolce,
- dulcimer harpsichord,
- faint,
- faint-voiced,
- faintly,
- feeble,
- feebly,
- forte,
- fortissimo,
- gentle,
- gently,
- grand,
- grand piano,
- half-heard,
- hammer dulcimer,
- harmonichord,
- harpsichord,
- hushedly,
- indistinct,
- lamentabile,
- larghetto,
- larghissimo,
- largo,
- legato,
- leggiero,
- low,
- manichord,
- manichordon,
- marcando,
- melodion,
- melopiano,
- monochord,
- morendo,
- murmured,
- pair of virginals,
- parlando,
- parlor grand,
- pianette,
- pianino,
- pianissimo,
- piano-violin,
- pianoforte,
- pizzicato,
- prestissimo,
- presto,
- rallentando,
- ritardando,
- ritenuto,
- scarcely heard,
- scherzando,
- scherzo,
- scherzoso,
- soft,
- soft-sounding,
- soft-voiced,
- softly,
- sordamente,
- sordo,
- sostinente pianoforte,
- sotto voce,
- spiccato,
- spinet,
- square piano,
- staccato,
- stretto,
- subaudible,
- subdued,
- subduedly,
- tremolando,
- tremoloso,
- trillando,
- unclear,
- upright,
- upright piano,
- violin piano,
- virginal,
- weak,
- weak-voiced,
- weakly,
- whispered