Exact Match:
- plain
- extensive tract of level open land; "they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain"; "he longed for the fields of his youth"
- lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete"
- free from any effort to soften to disguise; "the plain and unvarnished truth"; "the unvarnished candor of old people and children"
- lacking patterns especially in color
- not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building"
- not mixed with extraneous elements; "plain water"; "sheer wine"; "not an unmixed blessing"
- Attic,
- Bohemian,
- Ciceronian,
- Lebensraum,
- Mickey Mouse,
- Spartan,
- abrupt,
- absolute,
- absolutely,
- affable,
- agricultural region,
- air space,
- all-embracing,
- all-encompassing,
- all-out,
- all-pervading,
- apparent,
- arable land,
- articulate,
- artless,
- ascetic,
- audible,
- austere,
- back country,
- bald,
- bare,
- baseborn,
- basic,
- beautiless,
- below the salt,
- billiard table,
- black belt,
- blemished,
- blotted,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- born,
- born yesterday,
- bowling green,
- broad,
- broad-based,
- brusque,
- cacophonic,
- cacophonous,
- campestral,
- campestrian,
- campo,
- candid,
- casual,
- champaign,
- chaste,
- cheerful,
- childlike,
- citrus belt,
- classic,
- classical,
- clean,
- clean-cut,
- clear,
- clear as crystal,
- clear as day,
- clear space,
- clear-cut,
- clearance,
- clearing,
- cockney,
- coherent,
- colorless,
- comfortable,
- common,
- commonplace,
- comprehensive,
- confiding,
- congenital,
- connected,
- consistent,
- conspicuous,
- consummate,
- contrastive,
- cordial,
- corn belt,
- cotton belt,
- countryside,
- cozy,
- crisp,
- crystal-clear,
- crystalline,
- cushy,
- dead flat,
- dead level,
- deep-dyed,
- defaced,
- defined,
- definite,
- degage,
- desert,
- direct,
- discernible,
- discreet,
- disfigured,
- distant prospect,
- distinct,
- distinctive,
- down,
- downright,
- drab,
- dry,
- dull,
- dust bowl,
- dyed-in-the-wool,
- dysphemistic,
- dysphemized,
- earth,
- easy,
- easy as pie,
- easygoing,
- effortless,
- egregious,
- elegant,
- elementary,
- empty view,
- esplanade,
- essential,
- even,
- everyday,
- evident,
- exhaustive,
- explicit,
- express,
- facile,
- familiar,
- farm belt,
- farm country,
- farmland,
- featureless,
- finished,
- flat,
- flatland,
- flattened,
- floor,
- flush,
- folksy,
- forthright,
- frank,
- frankhearted,
- free,
- free and easy,
- free-speaking,
- free-spoken,
- free-tongued,
- friendly,
- fruit belt,
- fundamental,
- garden,
- garden-variety,
- genuine,
- glade,
- glaring,
- glib,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- gracious,
- graphic,
- grass roots,
- grassland,
- grazing region,
- ground,
- guileless,
- haymish,
- hearable,
- heart-to-heart,
- heath,
- hi-fi,
- high-fidelity,
- highlands,
- homaloid,
- homaloidal,
- homelike,
- homely,
- homespun,
- homey,
- homish,
- homogeneous,
- honest,
- horizontal,
- horizontal axis,
- horizontal fault,
- horizontal line,
- horizontal parallax,
- horizontal plane,
- horizontal projection,
- household,
- humble,
- humble-looking,
- humble-visaged,
- humblest,
- humdrum,
- ill-favored,
- in focus,
- indisputable,
- indivisible,
- indubitable,
- inelegant,
- informal,
- ingenu,
- ingenuous,
- inglorious,
- innocent,
- innocuous,
- insipid,
- intelligible,
- intensive,
- intimate,
- irreducible,
- irregular,
- irretrievably,
- irrevocably,
- lean,
- least,
- ledge,
- legible,
- level,
- level line,
- level plane,
- light,
- limpid,
- living space,
- llano,
- loose,
- loud and clear,
- low,
- lowborn,
- lowbred,
- lowest,
- lowlands,
- lowliest,
- lowly,
- lucid,
- luminous,
- manifest,
- marred,
- matter-of-fact,
- mead,
- meadows and pastures,
- mean,
- mean sea level,
- mere,
- modest,
- monolithic,
- moor,
- moorland,
- moors,
- mundane,
- muted,
- naive,
- natural,
- neat,
- nonclerical,
- nondescript,
- nothing to it,
- noticeable,
- observable,
- obvious,
- of a piece,
- offhand,
- offhanded,
- omnibus,
- omnipresent,
- open,
- open country,
- open space,
- open-and-shut,
- openhearted,
- ordinary,
- out-and-out,
- outback,
- outright,
- outspoken,
- painless,
- palpable,
- pampas,
- parterre,
- pasture,
- patent,
- peaceful,
- pedestrian,
- pellucid,
- perceivable,
- perceptible,
- perfect,
- perfectly,
- perspicuous,
- pervasive,
- plain as day,
- plain-speaking,
- plain-spoken,
- plains,
- plane,
- plateau,
- platform,
- plebeian,
- plumb,
- poetryless,
- polished,
- poor,
- prairie,
- prairies,
- primal,
- primary,
- prominent,
- pronounced,
- prosaic,
- prose,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- province,
- provinces,
- pure,
- pure and simple,
- quite,
- radical,
- refined,
- regular,
- relaxed,
- restrained,
- right,
- rolled,
- round,
- rude,
- rural district,
- rustic,
- rustic region,
- savanna,
- sea level,
- sea of grass,
- seeable,
- self-evident,
- self-explaining,
- self-explanatory,
- severe,
- shabby-genteel,
- sheer,
- short,
- short on looks,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- simple as ABC,
- simple-speaking,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- sincere,
- single,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- small,
- smooth,
- smoothed out,
- smoothened,
- snug,
- sober,
- sociable,
- soft,
- spare,
- spartan,
- spoiled,
- squashed,
- squashed flat,
- staring,
- stark,
- steppe,
- steppes,
- straight,
- straight-out,
- straightforward,
- sweeping,
- table,
- tabloid,
- tabular,
- tangible,
- tasteful,
- teachable,
- terrace,
- terrain,
- territory,
- terse,
- the country,
- the soil,
- the sticks,
- third-estate,
- thorough,
- thoroughgoing,
- through-and-through,
- tiresome,
- to be seen,
- tobacco belt,
- total,
- translucent,
- transparent,
- transpicuous,
- trim,
- trodden,
- trodden flat,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- tundra,
- ubiquitous,
- uglified,
- ugly,
- ugly as hell,
- ugly as sin,
- unadorned,
- unadulterated,
- unaesthetic,
- unaffected,
- unalluring,
- unambiguous,
- unassuming,
- unattractive,
- unbeauteous,
- unbeautiful,
- unburdensome,
- unceremonious,
- unchecked,
- uncluttered,
- uncomely,
- uncomplicated,
- unconcealed,
- unconditional,
- unconfused,
- unconstrained,
- unconventional,
- undecorated,
- understandable,
- undifferenced,
- undifferentiated,
- undiluted,
- undisguised,
- undissembled,
- undissembling,
- undistinguished,
- unelaborate,
- unembellished,
- unenhanced,
- unequivocal,
- unfeigned,
- ungarnished,
- ungenteel,
- unguarded,
- unhandsome,
- unidealistic,
- uniform,
- unimaginative,
- unimpassioned,
- unimportant,
- universal,
- univocal,
- unlabored,
- unlovely,
- unluxurious,
- unmistakable,
- unmitigated,
- unmixed,
- unofficial,
- unornamented,
- unostentatious,
- unpleasing,
- unpoetic,
- unpoetical,
- unpretending,
- unpretentious,
- unpretty,
- unqualified,
- unrelievedly,
- unremarkable,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unrestricted,
- unromantic,
- unsightly,
- unsophisticated,
- unstudied,
- unsuspicious,
- unvarnished,
- unwary,
- uplands,
- utter,
- vapid,
- veld,
- veldt,
- veritable,
- visible,
- vivid,
- vulgar,
- water level,
- well-defined,
- well-marked,
- well-pronounced,
- well-resolved,
- wheat belt,
- wholesale,
- wide-open spaces,
- wilderness,
- wold,
- woodland,
- woods and fields,
- workaday,
- workday,
- yokeldom