Exact Match:
- plank
- an endorsed policy in the platform of a political party
- cook and serve on a plank; "Planked vegetable"; "Planked shad"
- cover with planks; "The streets were planked"
- set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise; "He planked the money on the table"; "He planked himself into the sofa"
- Mystik tape,
- Scotch tape,
- adhesive tape,
- band,
- bandage,
- batten,
- beam,
- belt,
- billet,
- board,
- boarding,
- brick,
- cast,
- cellophane tape,
- chuck,
- clap,
- clapboard,
- cloth tape,
- coat,
- coating,
- collop,
- cord,
- cordwood,
- covering,
- cut,
- deal,
- declaration of policy,
- disk,
- driftwood,
- face,
- fascia,
- feuille,
- fillet,
- film,
- firewood,
- flap,
- fling,
- foil,
- fold,
- friction tape,
- girdle,
- glass,
- glaze,
- hardwood,
- hurl,
- issue,
- keynote address,
- keynote speech,
- lamella,
- lamina,
- laminated glass,
- laminated wood,
- lap,
- lath,
- lathing,
- lathwork,
- leaf,
- ligula,
- ligule,
- list,
- log,
- lumber,
- masking tape,
- membrane,
- pane,
- panel,
- panelboard,
- paneling,
- panelwork,
- paper,
- party platform,
- patina,
- peel,
- pellicle,
- plait,
- planking,
- plastic tape,
- plate,
- platform,
- plating,
- plop,
- plump,
- plunk,
- ply,
- plyboard,
- plywood,
- pole,
- post,
- program,
- puncheon,
- rasher,
- revet,
- ribband,
- ribbon,
- safety glass,
- scum,
- shake,
- sheathe,
- sheathing,
- sheathing board,
- sheet,
- sheeting,
- shingle,
- shred,
- sideboard,
- siding,
- skin,
- slab,
- slap,
- slat,
- slate,
- slice,
- slip,
- softwood,
- spill,
- splat,
- spline,
- stave,
- stick,
- stick of wood,
- stone,
- stovewood,
- strake,
- strap,
- strip,
- strop,
- table,
- tablet,
- taenia,
- tape,
- tape measure,
- tapeline,
- thatch,
- three-by-four,
- throw,
- thrust,
- ticker tape,
- tile,
- timber,
- timbering,
- timberwork,
- toss,
- two-by-four,
- veneer,
- wafer,
- wall in,
- wall up,
- wallpaper,
- weatherboard,
- wood