Exact Match:
- polarity
- having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges); "he got the polarity of the battery reversed"; "charges of opposite sign"
- Janus,
- N pole,
- S pole,
- ambiguity,
- ambivalence,
- antagonism,
- anteposition,
- antipathy,
- antithesis,
- balance,
- biformity,
- bifurcation,
- bilateral symmetry,
- clashing,
- collision,
- conflict,
- conformity,
- confrontation,
- confrontment,
- congruity,
- conjugation,
- consistency,
- contention,
- contradiction,
- contradistinction,
- contraindication,
- contraposition,
- contrariety,
- contrast,
- correspondence,
- counterposition,
- cross-purposes,
- dichotomy,
- disagreement,
- discrepancy,
- doubleness,
- doublethink,
- doubling,
- dualism,
- duality,
- duplexity,
- duplication,
- duplicity,
- dynamic symmetry,
- equality,
- equilibrium,
- equivocality,
- eurythmics,
- eurythmy,
- evenness,
- finish,
- halving,
- harmony,
- hostility,
- inconsistency,
- inimicalness,
- irony,
- keeping,
- magnetic axis,
- magnetic pole,
- multilateral symmetry,
- negative pole,
- north pole,
- opposing,
- oppositeness,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnance,
- oppugnancy,
- pairing,
- parallelism,
- perversity,
- polar opposition,
- polarization,
- pole,
- posing against,
- positive pole,
- proportion,
- proportionality,
- regularity,
- repugnance,
- shapeliness,
- showdown,
- south pole,
- symmetricalness,
- symmetry,
- trilateral symmetry,
- twinning,
- two-facedness,
- twoness,
- uniformity