Exact Match:
- polity
- shrewd or crafty management of public affairs; "we was innocent of stratagems and polity"
- a politically organized unit
- Everyman,
- John Doe,
- Machtpolitik,
- Public,
- Realpolitik,
- Tammany Hall,
- administration,
- ally,
- archduchy,
- archdukedom,
- autarky,
- bimetallism,
- body politic,
- bossism,
- buffer state,
- captive nation,
- career politics,
- chieftaincy,
- chieftainry,
- circumspection,
- circumspectness,
- citizenry,
- city-state,
- civil government,
- colony,
- common man,
- commonweal,
- commonwealth,
- community,
- community at large,
- confrontation politics,
- consensus politics,
- consideration,
- cool judgment,
- country,
- county,
- course,
- creed,
- direction,
- discipline,
- discreetness,
- discretion,
- discrimination,
- dispensation,
- disposition,
- domain,
- dominion,
- duchy,
- dukedom,
- earldom,
- economic self-sufficiency,
- economics in action,
- empery,
- empire,
- empirical politics,
- estate,
- everybody,
- everyman,
- everyone,
- everywoman,
- folk,
- folks,
- form of government,
- free city,
- free enterprise,
- free trade,
- general public,
- gentry,
- good judgment,
- governance,
- government,
- governmentalism,
- grand duchy,
- guiding principles,
- judgment,
- judiciousness,
- kid-glove politics,
- kingdom,
- laissez-faire,
- laissez-faireism,
- land,
- line,
- localism,
- machine politics,
- managed currency,
- management,
- mandant,
- mandate,
- mandated territory,
- mandatee,
- mandatory,
- men,
- nation,
- nationality,
- noninterference,
- nonintervention,
- nullification,
- oversight,
- partisan politics,
- partisanism,
- party line,
- party principle,
- peanut politics,
- people,
- people in general,
- persons,
- petty politics,
- plan of action,
- planned economy,
- platform,
- policy,
- polis,
- political organization,
- politics,
- populace,
- population,
- pork-barrel politics,
- position,
- position paper,
- possession,
- power,
- power politics,
- practical politics,
- pressure-group politics,
- price supports,
- principality,
- principate,
- principles,
- procedure,
- program,
- protection,
- protectionism,
- protectorate,
- providence,
- province,
- prudence,
- prudentialism,
- public,
- public policy,
- pump-priming,
- puppet government,
- puppet regime,
- realm,
- reflection,
- reflectiveness,
- reform politics,
- regime,
- regimen,
- regnancy,
- regulation,
- reign,
- republic,
- rule,
- satellite,
- sectionalism,
- seneschalty,
- settlement,
- silk-stocking politics,
- society,
- sound judgment,
- soundness of judgment,
- sovereign nation,
- sovereignty,
- state,
- sultanate,
- superpower,
- supervision,
- sway,
- system of government,
- territory,
- thoughtfulness,
- toparchia,
- toparchy,
- ward politics,
- weighing,
- world,
- you and me