- abandoned,
- amok,
- bedeviled,
- bellowing,
- berserk,
- besotted,
- bewitched,
- bursting with happiness,
- by one,
- carried away,
- collected,
- composed,
- consumed,
- controlled,
- crazed,
- delirious,
- demented,
- demoniac,
- demonized,
- devil-ridden,
- distracted,
- dominated,
- driven,
- easy,
- eaten up,
- ecstatic,
- elate,
- elated,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- entranced,
- exalted,
- exultant,
- feral,
- ferocious,
- fierce,
- fixated,
- flushed,
- frantic,
- freaked out,
- free and clear,
- frenzied,
- fulminating,
- furious,
- ghost-haunted,
- ghost-ridden,
- gripped,
- hag-ridden,
- haggard,
- haunted,
- held,
- high,
- hog-wild,
- howling,
- hung-up,
- hysterical,
- imparadised,
- in a transport,
- in ecstasies,
- in fee,
- in fee simple,
- in hand,
- in heaven,
- in hysterics,
- in paradise,
- in raptures,
- in seisin,
- in seventh heaven,
- in stock,
- in store,
- infatuated,
- intoxicated,
- jubilant,
- mad,
- maddened,
- madding,
- maniac,
- monomaniac,
- monomaniacal,
- obsessed,
- on cloud nine,
- on hand,
- orgasmic,
- orgiastic,
- overjoyed,
- overjoyful,
- own,
- owned,
- pixilated,
- placid,
- poised,
- preoccupied,
- prepossessed,
- pressed,
- rabid,
- raging,
- ramping,
- ranting,
- rapt,
- raptured,
- rapturous,
- raving,
- ravished,
- rhapsodic,
- roaring,
- running mad,
- self-possessed,
- sent,
- serene,
- specter-haunted,
- spirit-haunted,
- spooked,
- spooky,
- storming,
- tranquil,
- transported,
- uncontrollable,
- violent,
- wild,
- wild-eyed,
- wild-looking,
- witch-charmed,
- witch-held,
- witch-struck,
- witched