Exact Match:
- pound
- a public enclosure for stray or unlicensed dogs; "unlicensed dogs will be taken to the pound"
- United States writer who lived in Europe; strongly influenced the development of modern literature (1885-1972)
- a nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to 32 feet/sec/sec
- 16 ounces; "he got a hernia when he tried to lift 100 pounds"
- break down and crush by beating, as with a pestle; "pound the roots with a heavy flat stone"
- shut up or confine in any enclosure or within any bounds or limits; "The prisoners are safely pounded"
- partition off into compartments; "The locks pound the water of the canal"
- Deutschmark,
- Mark,
- Reichsmark,
- abrade,
- ache,
- afghani,
- agonize,
- ail,
- ambush,
- anguish,
- anna,
- assail,
- assault,
- atomize,
- attack,
- baht,
- bang,
- barrage,
- bash,
- baste,
- bat,
- batter,
- bawbee,
- beat,
- beat a ruffle,
- beat a tattoo,
- beat into,
- beat the drum,
- beat time,
- beating,
- belabor,
- belt,
- biff,
- blanch,
- blench,
- blitz,
- blow,
- bludgeon,
- bonk,
- bottle up,
- box up,
- bray,
- brecciate,
- bruise,
- buffet,
- bung,
- bung up,
- bushwhack,
- cage,
- carat,
- cattery,
- cent,
- centavo,
- centigram,
- centime,
- check,
- chop,
- cleanse,
- clear,
- clip,
- clobber,
- cloister,
- clout,
- clump,
- come at,
- come down on,
- comminute,
- compound,
- confine,
- constrain,
- conto,
- contriturate,
- contuse,
- coop,
- coop in,
- coop up,
- cork up,
- count,
- count the beats,
- crack,
- crack down on,
- cram in,
- crib,
- crowd in,
- crown,
- crumb,
- crumble,
- crush,
- cudgel,
- cut,
- dash,
- decagram,
- decigram,
- descend on,
- descend upon,
- detain,
- dig,
- din,
- ding,
- dint,
- disintegrate,
- dog pound,
- doghouse,
- dollar,
- dong,
- dram,
- dram avoirdupois,
- drive,
- drive in,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drum,
- drum music,
- drumbeat,
- drumfire,
- drumming,
- dyne,
- empty,
- encage,
- enclose,
- enclosure,
- expel,
- fall on,
- fall upon,
- farthing,
- feel pain,
- feel the pangs,
- fence in,
- fiver,
- flail,
- flap,
- florin,
- flounder,
- flour,
- flutter,
- force,
- force in,
- fourpence,
- fourpenny,
- fragment,
- franc,
- fusillade,
- gang up on,
- go at,
- go for,
- go pitapat,
- grain,
- gram,
- granulate,
- granulize,
- grate,
- grave,
- grimace,
- grind,
- grind to powder,
- groat,
- guilder,
- guinea,
- gulden,
- half crown,
- half dollar,
- halfpenny,
- hammer,
- harry,
- have a misery,
- have at,
- heave,
- hell,
- hem in,
- hit,
- hit like lightning,
- hobbyhorse,
- hold,
- hold in custody,
- hold in restraint,
- hundredweight,
- hurt,
- immure,
- impact,
- impound,
- inhibit,
- jab,
- jam in,
- jump,
- keep in,
- keep in custody,
- keep in detention,
- keep time,
- kennel,
- kilo,
- kilogram,
- kip,
- knock,
- knock in,
- kopeck,
- krona,
- krone,
- lambaste,
- land on,
- larrup,
- lay at,
- lay hands on,
- lay into,
- levigate,
- lick,
- light into,
- limbo,
- lira,
- lurch,
- mag,
- make heavy weather,
- mash,
- mass,
- maul,
- meg,
- megaton,
- mew,
- mew up,
- mill,
- milligram,
- milreis,
- mite,
- mole,
- monkey,
- mug,
- new pence,
- np,
- ounce,
- ounce avoirdupois,
- ounce troy,
- p,
- palpitate,
- palpitation,
- paradiddle,
- paste,
- patter,
- pelt,
- pen,
- pen up,
- pence,
- penfold,
- penny,
- pennyweight,
- peseta,
- pestle,
- pie,
- piece of eight,
- pinfold,
- pistareen,
- pitapat,
- pitch,
- pitch and toss,
- pitch into,
- pitter-patter,
- place of confinement,
- play drum,
- plunge,
- plunge in,
- plunk,
- poke,
- poke in,
- pommel,
- pony,
- pounce upon,
- pound avoirdupois,
- pound in,
- pound out,
- pound troy,
- poundal,
- pounding,
- powder,
- press in,
- produce,
- pulp,
- pulsate,
- pulsation,
- pulse,
- pulverize,
- pummel,
- punch,
- purgatory,
- purge,
- push in,
- quid,
- rail in,
- ram in,
- rand,
- rap,
- rat-a-tat,
- rat-tat,
- rat-tat-tat,
- rataplan,
- rattattoo,
- rear,
- reduce to powder,
- reel,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- rial,
- rid,
- rock,
- roll,
- rub-a-dub,
- ruble,
- ruff,
- ruffle,
- run in,
- rupee,
- sail into,
- scend,
- scrunch,
- scruple,
- seal up,
- set on,
- set upon,
- shackle,
- shard,
- shekel,
- shilling,
- shoot,
- shred,
- shrink,
- shut in,
- shut up,
- sixpence,
- slam,
- sledgehammer,
- slog,
- slug,
- smack,
- smart,
- smash,
- sock,
- sol,
- sou,
- sound a tattoo,
- spank,
- spatter,
- splatter,
- splutter,
- sputter,
- squash,
- squeeze in,
- staccato,
- stamp,
- stiver,
- stone,
- strike,
- stroke,
- stuff in,
- suffer,
- surprise,
- swat,
- sway,
- swing,
- swipe,
- swoop down on,
- take the offensive,
- tamp in,
- tap,
- tat-tat,
- tattoo,
- tenner,
- thrash,
- threepence,
- threepenny bit,
- thresh,
- thrill,
- thrippence,
- throb,
- throbbing,
- thrum,
- thrust in,
- thump,
- thumping,
- thwack,
- tingle,
- tom-tom,
- ton,
- toss,
- toss and tumble,
- triturate,
- tumble,
- tuppence,
- twinge,
- twitch,
- twopence,
- units of weight,
- wade into,
- wall in,
- wallop,
- wallow,
- wedge in,
- weight,
- welter,
- whack,
- whip,
- whop,
- wince,
- won,
- work over,
- writhe,
- yard,
- yaw,
- yen,
- yerk