Exact Match:
- pragmatic
- of or concerning the theory of pragmatism
- Cyrenaic,
- Eleatic,
- Epicurean,
- Megarian,
- Stoic,
- advantageous,
- animist,
- animistic,
- appropriate,
- atomistic,
- balanced,
- banausic,
- beneficial,
- commodious,
- commonsense,
- cool,
- coolheaded,
- cosmotheistic,
- down-to-earth,
- earthy,
- eclectic,
- effective,
- effectual,
- efficient,
- empirical,
- employable,
- eudaemonistic,
- existential,
- expedient,
- feasible,
- fitting,
- functional,
- good for,
- hard,
- hard-boiled,
- hardheaded,
- hedonic,
- hedonist,
- hedonistic,
- helpful,
- humanist,
- humanistic,
- idealistic,
- instrumentalist,
- levelheaded,
- logical,
- materialistic,
- matter-of-fact,
- mechanistic,
- metaphysical,
- monistic,
- naturalistic,
- nominalist,
- of general utility,
- of help,
- of service,
- of use,
- operable,
- panlogistical,
- pantheistic,
- philosophical,
- positivist,
- positivistic,
- practicable,
- practical,
- practical-minded,
- pragmatical,
- pragmatist,
- proper,
- rational,
- rationalistic,
- realist,
- realistic,
- realizable,
- reasonable,
- sane,
- scholastic,
- scientific,
- scientistic,
- secular,
- sensationalistic,
- sensible,
- serviceable,
- sober,
- sober-minded,
- sound,
- sound-thinking,
- straight-thinking,
- syncretistic,
- theistic,
- transcendentalist,
- transcendentalistic,
- unideal,
- unidealistic,
- unromantic,
- unsentimental,
- useful,
- utilitarian,
- vitalistic,
- voluntarist,
- voluntaristic,
- well-balanced,
- workable,
- worldly