Exact Match:
- preoccupation
- the mental state of being preoccupied by something
- an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention
- Walter Mitty,
- absence of mind,
- absentmindedness,
- absorbed attention,
- absorption,
- abstractedness,
- abstraction,
- abulia,
- adoption,
- adverse possession,
- alienation,
- alodium,
- anxiety,
- anxiety equivalent,
- anxiety state,
- apathy,
- application,
- appropriation,
- arrogation,
- assiduity,
- assiduousness,
- assumption,
- bemusement,
- brown study,
- bulldog tenacity,
- burgage,
- castle-building,
- catatonic stupor,
- claim,
- close study,
- colonization,
- colony,
- complex,
- compulsion,
- concentration,
- conquest,
- constancy,
- contemplation,
- contemplativeness,
- daydream,
- daydreamer,
- daydreaming,
- de facto,
- de jure,
- deep study,
- deep thought,
- dejection,
- dependency,
- depression,
- depth of thought,
- derivative title,
- detachment,
- diligence,
- dogged perseverance,
- doggedness,
- dream,
- dreaming,
- elation,
- emotionalism,
- endurance,
- engagement,
- engrossment,
- enslavement,
- euphoria,
- fantasy,
- fantasying,
- fascination,
- fee fief,
- fee position,
- fee simple,
- fee simple absolute,
- fee simple conditional,
- fee simple defeasible,
- fee simple determinable,
- fee tail,
- feodum,
- feud,
- fidelity,
- fiefdom,
- fit of abstraction,
- fixation,
- fixed idea,
- folie du doute,
- frankalmoign,
- free socage,
- freehold,
- gavelkind,
- hang-up,
- having title to,
- hold,
- holding,
- hypercathexis,
- hypochondria,
- hysteria,
- hysterics,
- idee fixe,
- immersion,
- indefatigability,
- indent,
- indifference,
- industriousness,
- industry,
- insensibility,
- insistence,
- insistency,
- intentness,
- involvement,
- irresistible impulse,
- knight service,
- lay fee,
- lease,
- leasehold,
- legal claim,
- legal possession,
- lethargy,
- loyalty,
- mandate,
- mania,
- meditation,
- melancholia,
- melancholy,
- mental distress,
- monomania,
- mooning,
- moonraking,
- morbid drive,
- muse,
- musefulness,
- musing,
- muted ecstasy,
- obsession,
- obsessive compulsion,
- obstinacy,
- occupancy,
- occupation,
- original title,
- owning,
- pathological indecisiveness,
- patience,
- patience of Job,
- pensiveness,
- permanence,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- persistency,
- pertinaciousness,
- pertinacity,
- pipe dream,
- pipe-dreaming,
- plodding,
- plugging,
- possessing,
- possession,
- preemption,
- preoccupancy,
- prepossession,
- prescription,
- profound thought,
- property,
- property rights,
- proprietary rights,
- psychalgia,
- psychomotor disturbance,
- rapt attention,
- reflectiveness,
- relentlessness,
- requisition,
- resolution,
- reverie,
- ruling passion,
- sedulity,
- sedulousness,
- seisin,
- single-mindedness,
- singleness of purpose,
- slogging,
- socage,
- speculativeness,
- squatting,
- stability,
- stamina,
- stargazing,
- staying power,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- stick-to-itiveness,
- stubbornness,
- studiousness,
- study,
- stupor,
- subjugation,
- sublease,
- submersion,
- takeover,
- taking over,
- tenaciousness,
- tenacity,
- tenancy,
- tenantry,
- tenure,
- tenure in chivalry,
- thoughtfulness,
- tic,
- tirelessness,
- title,
- trance,
- twitching,
- underlease,
- undertenancy,
- unremittingness,
- unresponsiveness,
- unswerving attention,
- usucapion,
- usurpation,
- villein socage,
- villeinhold,
- villenage,
- wistfulness,
- withdrawal,
- woolgathering