- Kreis,
- aedileship,
- ally,
- angel,
- angel of light,
- angel of love,
- archangel,
- archbishopric,
- archdiocese,
- archduchy,
- archdukedom,
- archiepiscopacy,
- archiepiscopate,
- aristocracy,
- arrondissement,
- ascendance,
- ascendancy,
- bailiwick,
- balance of power,
- beatified soul,
- bishopric,
- body politic,
- borough,
- buffer state,
- canonized mortal,
- canton,
- captive nation,
- celestial,
- chairmanship,
- chancellery,
- chancellorate,
- chancellorship,
- cherub,
- cherubim,
- chiefery,
- chiefry,
- chieftaincy,
- chieftainry,
- chieftainship,
- city,
- city-state,
- colony,
- commonweal,
- commonwealth,
- commune,
- congressional district,
- constablewick,
- consulate,
- consulship,
- country,
- county,
- deanery,
- departement,
- dictatorship,
- dictature,
- diocese,
- directorship,
- district,
- domain,
- dominance,
- dominancy,
- domination,
- dominion,
- duchy,
- dukedom,
- earldom,
- electoral district,
- electorate,
- eminent domain,
- emirate,
- empery,
- empire,
- episcopacy,
- free city,
- government,
- governorship,
- grand duchy,
- hamlet,
- headship,
- heavenly being,
- hegemony,
- hierarchy,
- hundred,
- kingdom,
- land,
- leadership,
- lordship,
- magistracy,
- magistrateship,
- magistrature,
- mandant,
- mandate,
- mandated territory,
- mandatee,
- mandatory,
- martyr,
- masterdom,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- mayoralty,
- mayorship,
- messenger of God,
- metropolis,
- metropolitan area,
- metropolitanate,
- metropolitanship,
- nation,
- nationality,
- nobility,
- oblast,
- okrug,
- overlordship,
- papacy,
- parish,
- pashadom,
- pashalic,
- patriarchate,
- patriarchy,
- patron saint,
- polis,
- polity,
- pontificality,
- pontificate,
- popedom,
- popehood,
- popeship,
- possession,
- power,
- precinct,
- predominance,
- predominancy,
- predomination,
- preeminence,
- prefectship,
- prefecture,
- premiership,
- preponderance,
- prepotence,
- prepotency,
- presidency,
- presidentship,
- primacy,
- prime-ministership,
- prime-ministry,
- princedom,
- princeship,
- principate,
- proconsulate,
- proconsulship,
- protectorate,
- protectorship,
- province,
- provostry,
- provostship,
- puppet government,
- puppet regime,
- realm,
- recording angel,
- rectorate,
- rectorship,
- regency,
- regentship,
- region,
- republic,
- riding,
- ruling class,
- saint,
- satellite,
- saved soul,
- seigniory,
- seneschalship,
- seneschalsy,
- seneschalty,
- seraph,
- seraphim,
- settlement,
- sheikhdom,
- sheriffalty,
- sheriffcy,
- sheriffdom,
- sheriffwick,
- shire,
- shrievalty,
- soke,
- soul in glory,
- sovereign nation,
- sovereignty,
- stake,
- state,
- sultanate,
- superiority,
- superpower,
- supervisorship,
- supremacy,
- suzerainship,
- suzerainty,
- territory,
- toparchia,
- toparchy,
- town,
- township,
- tribunate,
- upper hand,
- village,
- vizierate,
- viziership,
- wapentake,
- ward,
- whip hand