Exact Match:
- proportionate
- being in due proportion; "proportionate representation of a minority group"
- accordant,
- adequate,
- affinitive,
- affirmative,
- agreeable,
- agreeing,
- alike,
- ample,
- answerable,
- appertaining,
- associative,
- at one,
- at par,
- au pair,
- barely sufficient,
- coexistent,
- coexisting,
- coherent,
- coincident,
- coinciding,
- commensurate,
- comparable,
- comparative,
- compatible,
- competent,
- concordant,
- concurring,
- conformable,
- congenial,
- congruent,
- congruous,
- connective,
- consentaneous,
- consentient,
- consistent,
- consonant,
- cooperating,
- cooperative,
- correlative,
- correspondent,
- corresponding,
- decent,
- distributional,
- distributive,
- drawn,
- due,
- en rapport,
- enough,
- equal,
- equal to,
- equalized,
- equivalent,
- even,
- even stephen,
- fifty-fifty,
- fit,
- good,
- good enough,
- half,
- half-and-half,
- halvers,
- harmonious,
- in accord,
- in agreement,
- in rapport,
- in sync,
- in synchronization,
- inaccordance,
- inharmony,
- knotted,
- level,
- like,
- like-minded,
- linking,
- minimal,
- minimum,
- nip and tuck,
- of a piece,
- of like mind,
- of one mind,
- on a footing,
- on a level,
- on a par,
- on all fours,
- on even ground,
- par,
- particular,
- per capita,
- per head,
- pertaining,
- pertinent,
- plenty,
- plenty good enough,
- positive,
- pro rata,
- proportionable,
- proportional,
- prorated,
- quits,
- reconcilable,
- referable,
- referring,
- relating,
- relational,
- relative,
- respective,
- satisfactory,
- satisfying,
- self-consistent,
- several,
- square,
- stalemated,
- substantial,
- sufficient,
- sufficient for,
- sufficing,
- suitable,
- symbiotic,
- sympathetic,
- synchronized,
- synchronous,
- tied,
- unanimous,
- uniform,
- unisonant,
- unisonous,
- up to