Exact Match:
- prowl
- the act of prowling (walking about in a stealthy manner)
- move about in or as if in a predatory manner; "The suspicious stranger prowls the streets of the town"
- loiter about, with no apparent aim
- bat around,
- bum,
- clandestine behavior,
- clandestinity,
- couch,
- count ties,
- cover,
- covertness,
- crawl,
- creep,
- cruise,
- divagate,
- drift,
- flit,
- furtiveness,
- gad,
- gad about,
- gallivant,
- go about,
- go on tiptoe,
- go the rounds,
- grovel,
- gumshoe,
- hit the road,
- hit the trail,
- hobo,
- hunting,
- inch,
- inch along,
- jaunt,
- knock about,
- knock around,
- lay wait,
- lie in wait,
- lurk,
- meander,
- mooch,
- nightwalk,
- nomadize,
- pad,
- patrol,
- peregrinate,
- pererrate,
- prowling,
- pussyfoot,
- ramble,
- range,
- range over,
- roam,
- rove,
- run about,
- saunter,
- scavenge,
- scour,
- scrabble,
- scramble,
- searching,
- seeking,
- shadow,
- shiftiness,
- sidle,
- skulk,
- slink,
- slinkiness,
- slyness,
- snake,
- sneak,
- sneakiness,
- stalk,
- stalking,
- steal,
- steal along,
- stealth,
- stealthiness,
- straggle,
- stray,
- stroll,
- surreptitiousness,
- tippytoe,
- tiptoe,
- tracking,
- traipse,
- tramp,
- underground activity,
- underhand dealing,
- vagabond,
- vagabondize,
- walk the tracks,
- wander,
- wayfare,
- worm,
- worm along