Exact Match:
- ramble
- an aimless amble on a winding course
- Wanderjahr,
- afoot and lighthearted,
- airing,
- amble,
- babble,
- bat around,
- be insane,
- blab,
- blabber,
- blather,
- blether,
- bum,
- bumming,
- chat,
- chatter,
- clack,
- clatter,
- constitutional,
- count ties,
- depart,
- deviate,
- digress,
- discursion,
- dither,
- divagate,
- divagation,
- diverge,
- dote,
- drift,
- drifting,
- drivel,
- drool,
- err,
- errantry,
- excurse,
- flit,
- flitting,
- forced march,
- gab,
- gabble,
- gad,
- gad about,
- gadding,
- gallivant,
- gas,
- get sidetracked,
- gibber,
- gibble-gabble,
- go about,
- go adrift,
- go astray,
- go away,
- go off,
- go on,
- go the rounds,
- gossip,
- gush,
- have a demon,
- haver,
- hike,
- hit the road,
- hit the trail,
- hobo,
- hoboism,
- itineracy,
- itinerancy,
- jabber,
- jaunt,
- jaw,
- knock about,
- knock around,
- march,
- maunder,
- meander,
- mooch,
- mosey,
- mush,
- natter,
- nomadism,
- nomadize,
- palaver,
- parade,
- patter,
- perambulate,
- peregrinate,
- peregrination,
- pererrate,
- pererration,
- peripatetic journey,
- peripateticism,
- pour forth,
- prate,
- prattle,
- promenade,
- prowl,
- rage,
- ramble on,
- rambling,
- range,
- rant,
- rattle,
- rattle on,
- rave,
- reel off,
- roam,
- roaming,
- rove,
- roving,
- run about,
- run amok,
- run mad,
- run on,
- saunter,
- schlep,
- scramble,
- slaver,
- slobber,
- snake,
- spout,
- spout off,
- sprangle,
- spread-eagle,
- straddle,
- straggle,
- stray,
- straying,
- stretch,
- stroll,
- talk away,
- talk nonsense,
- talk on,
- tittle-tattle,
- tour,
- traipse,
- traipsing,
- tramp,
- travel,
- trek,
- trudge,
- turn,
- turn aside,
- twaddle,
- twattle,
- twist,
- twist and turn,
- vagabond,
- vagabondage,
- vagabondia,
- vagabondism,
- vagabondize,
- vagrancy,
- waffle,
- walk,
- walk the tracks,
- walkabout,
- walking tour,
- wander,
- wandering,
- wanderlust,
- wayfare,
- wayfaring,
- wind,
- yak,
- yakkety-yak