Exact Match:
- recital
- performance of music or dance especially by soloists
- a detailed account or description of something; "he was forced to listen to a recital of his many shortcomings"
- a detailed statement giving facts and figures; "his wife gave a recital of his infidelities"
- Philharmonic concert,
- account,
- address,
- after-dinner speech,
- allocution,
- assignment,
- band concert,
- chalk talk,
- chamber concert,
- concert,
- copy,
- critique,
- debate,
- declamation,
- description,
- diatribe,
- discourse,
- disquisition,
- dwelling upon,
- elaboration,
- entertainment,
- enumeration,
- eulogy,
- exercise,
- exhortation,
- exposition,
- filibuster,
- forensic,
- forensic address,
- formal speech,
- funeral oration,
- going over,
- harangue,
- homework,
- homily,
- hortatory address,
- inaugural,
- inaugural address,
- instruction,
- interpretation,
- invective,
- iteration,
- jeremiad,
- lecture,
- lecture-demonstration,
- lesson,
- moral,
- moral lesson,
- morality,
- moralization,
- musical performance,
- musical program,
- musicale,
- narration,
- narrative,
- object lesson,
- oration,
- pep talk,
- performance,
- peroration,
- philharmonic,
- philippic,
- pitch,
- pop concert,
- pops,
- popular concert,
- practicing,
- preachment,
- prepared speech,
- prepared text,
- presentation,
- program,
- program of music,
- prom,
- promenade concert,
- public speech,
- reading,
- reaffirmation,
- recap,
- recapitulation,
- recitation,
- recountal,
- recounting,
- rehash,
- rehearsal,
- reissue,
- reiteration,
- relation,
- rendition,
- repetition,
- report,
- reprint,
- restatement,
- resume,
- retelling,
- review,
- sales talk,
- salutatory,
- salutatory address,
- say,
- screed,
- sermon,
- service of music,
- set speech,
- set task,
- show,
- skull session,
- speech,
- speechification,
- speeching,
- story,
- summary,
- summing up,
- symphony concert,
- tale-telling,
- talk,
- talkathon,
- task,
- teaching,
- telling,
- tirade,
- valediction,
- valedictory,
- valedictory address,
- version,
- yarn spinning