Exact Match:
- rejection
- the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"
- the speech act of rejecting
- (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"
- the state of being rejected
- Eighteenth Amendment,
- Prohibition Party,
- Volstead Act,
- abnegation,
- agnosticism,
- agreement to disagree,
- alienation,
- apostasy,
- atheism,
- ban,
- bar,
- barring,
- blackball,
- blackballing,
- blockade,
- booting out,
- boycott,
- bucking,
- castaway,
- castoff,
- challenge,
- circumscription,
- cold shoulder,
- complaint,
- contention,
- contraband,
- contradiction,
- contraposition,
- contravention,
- contraversion,
- counter-culture,
- counteraction,
- counterworking,
- crosscurrent,
- crossing,
- debarment,
- debarring,
- declension,
- declination,
- declinature,
- declining,
- deep six,
- defenestration,
- demarcation,
- denial,
- deprivation,
- detrusion,
- difference,
- dim view,
- disaccord,
- disagreement,
- disallowance,
- disappointment,
- disapprobation,
- disapproval,
- disbelief,
- discard,
- discarding,
- discharge,
- disclaimer,
- disclamation,
- discontent,
- discontentedness,
- discontentment,
- discredit,
- disenchantment,
- disesteem,
- disfavor,
- disgruntlement,
- disillusion,
- disillusionment,
- dismissal,
- disobedience,
- disparity,
- displeasure,
- disposal,
- disrespect,
- dissatisfaction,
- dissension,
- dissent,
- dissentience,
- dissidence,
- distaste,
- diversity,
- dropping out,
- dumping,
- ejection,
- ejectment,
- elimination,
- embargo,
- exception,
- exclusion,
- expulsion,
- extrusion,
- forbiddance,
- forbidden fruit,
- forbidding,
- head wind,
- heresy,
- holding back,
- impugnation,
- impugnment,
- inability to believe,
- inadmissibility,
- incredulity,
- index,
- index expurgatorius,
- index librorum prohibitorum,
- indignation,
- infidelity,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- interdict,
- interdiction,
- interdictum,
- jettison,
- junking,
- kicking downstairs,
- law,
- lockout,
- low estimation,
- low opinion,
- minimifidianism,
- minority opinion,
- misbelief,
- narrowing,
- nay,
- negation,
- negative,
- negative answer,
- nix,
- no,
- no-no,
- nonacceptance,
- nonadmission,
- nonagreement,
- nonassent,
- nonbelief,
- noncompliance,
- nonconcurrence,
- nonconformity,
- nonconsent,
- nonobservance,
- nullifidianism,
- objection,
- obtrusion,
- omission,
- opposing,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnation,
- ostracism,
- ouster,
- ousting,
- preclusion,
- prevention,
- prohibition,
- prohibitory injunction,
- proscription,
- protest,
- rebuff,
- rebutment,
- rebuttal,
- recantation,
- recusance,
- recusancy,
- refusal,
- refuse,
- reject,
- rejectamenta,
- relegation,
- removal,
- renunciation,
- repression,
- repudiation,
- resistance,
- restriction,
- restrictive covenants,
- retention,
- ruling out,
- scrapping,
- secession,
- spurning,
- standing against,
- statute,
- sumptuary laws,
- suppression,
- taboo,
- the boot,
- the bounce,
- throwaway,
- throwing out,
- thumbs-down,
- traversal,
- turndown,
- unbelief,
- unbelievingness,
- undercurrent,
- underground,
- unhappiness,
- unwillingness,
- variance,
- withdrawal,
- withholding,
- zoning,
- zoning laws