Exact Match:
- relative
- an animal or plant that bears a relationship to another (as related by common descent or by membership in the same genus)
- a person related by blood or marriage; "police are searching for relatives of the deceased"; "he has distant relations back in New Jersey"
- not absolute or complete; "a relative stranger"
- affiliated,
- affinitive,
- agnate,
- allied,
- analogical,
- analogous,
- ancestry,
- appertaining,
- applicable,
- approximate,
- apropos,
- associated,
- associative,
- aunt,
- blood,
- blood relation,
- blood relative,
- brother,
- child,
- clansman,
- cognate,
- collatable,
- collateral,
- collateral relative,
- commensurable,
- commensurate,
- comparable,
- comparative,
- conditional,
- congenial,
- connected,
- connections,
- connective,
- consanguinean,
- contingent,
- contingent on,
- correlative,
- cousin,
- daughter,
- dependent on,
- distaff side,
- distant relation,
- en rapport,
- enate,
- family,
- father,
- flesh,
- flesh and blood,
- folks,
- german,
- germane,
- grandchild,
- granddaughter,
- grandfather,
- grandmother,
- grandparent,
- grandson,
- half brother,
- interconnected,
- interrelated,
- kin,
- kindred,
- kinfolk,
- kinnery,
- kinsfolk,
- kinsman,
- kinsmen,
- kinswoman,
- kith and kin,
- linking,
- matchable,
- mother,
- much at one,
- near,
- near relation,
- nephew,
- next of kin,
- niece,
- parallel,
- parent,
- people,
- pertaining,
- pertinent,
- posterity,
- proportionable,
- proportional,
- proportionate,
- referable,
- referring,
- related,
- relating,
- relation,
- relational,
- relations,
- relative to,
- relatives,
- relevant,
- reliant,
- sib,
- sibling,
- similar,
- sister,
- son,
- spear kin,
- spear side,
- spindle kin,
- spindle side,
- subject to,
- subordinate to,
- sword side,
- sympathetic,
- tribesman,
- uncle,
- uterine kin