Exact Match:
- relaxation
- a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount
- an occurrence of control or strength weakening; "the relaxation of requirements"; "the loosening of his grip"; "the slackening of the wind"
- (physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance
- (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
- abatement,
- abridgment,
- allayment,
- alleviation,
- amusement,
- assuagement,
- attenuation,
- attrition,
- bagginess,
- blunting,
- calming,
- carelessness,
- comfort,
- contraction,
- cushioning,
- dampening,
- damping,
- deadening,
- debilitation,
- decrease,
- decrement,
- decrescence,
- deduction,
- deflation,
- demulsion,
- depreciation,
- depression,
- devitalization,
- dilution,
- diminishment,
- diminution,
- diversion,
- divertisement,
- divertissement,
- dulcification,
- dulling,
- dying,
- dying off,
- ease,
- easiness,
- easing,
- easygoingness,
- effemination,
- enervation,
- enfeeblement,
- enjoyment,
- entertainment,
- evisceration,
- exhaustion,
- extenuation,
- fade-out,
- falling-off,
- fatigue,
- fun,
- hushing,
- impotence,
- imprecision,
- inactivity,
- inanition,
- indifference,
- languishment,
- laxation,
- laxity,
- laxness,
- leisure,
- leniency,
- lessening,
- letdown,
- letup,
- lightening,
- looseness,
- loosening,
- lowering,
- lulling,
- mellowing,
- miniaturization,
- mirth,
- mitigation,
- moderation,
- modulation,
- mollification,
- mollifying,
- negligence,
- overindulgence,
- overpermissiveness,
- pacification,
- padding,
- palliation,
- passe-temps,
- pastime,
- permissiveness,
- pleasure,
- quiet,
- quietening,
- quieting,
- recreation,
- reduction,
- regalement,
- relaxedness,
- relief,
- remission,
- remissness,
- repose,
- rest,
- restfulness,
- ricketiness,
- sagging,
- scaling down,
- shakiness,
- simplicity,
- slackening,
- slackness,
- sleep,
- sloppiness,
- softening,
- softening-up,
- softness,
- solace,
- soothing,
- subduement,
- subtraction,
- tempering,
- thinning,
- tranquilization,
- tranquillity,
- unbuttoned ease,
- unrestraint,
- weakening,
- weakness