- Laodicean,
- Olympian,
- abandoned,
- abject,
- abjured,
- accepting,
- accommodating,
- acquiescent,
- adapting,
- adaptive,
- adjusting,
- agreeable,
- aloof,
- amenable,
- antiquated,
- antique,
- apathetic,
- archaic,
- assenting,
- at ease,
- benumbed,
- blah,
- blase,
- comatose,
- comfortable,
- complaisant,
- compliable,
- compliant,
- complying,
- composed,
- consenting,
- content,
- contented,
- desensitized,
- deserted,
- detached,
- discontinued,
- disinterested,
- disused,
- done with,
- dull,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- happy,
- heartless,
- hebetudinous,
- hopeless,
- humble,
- in a stupor,
- indifferent,
- insouciant,
- languid,
- lethargic,
- listless,
- meek,
- nonchalant,
- nondissenting,
- nonresistant,
- nonresisting,
- nonresistive,
- not worth saving,
- numb,
- numbed,
- obedient,
- obsolescent,
- obsolete,
- of good comfort,
- old,
- old-fashioned,
- on the shelf,
- out,
- out of use,
- out-of-date,
- outdated,
- outmoded,
- outworn,
- passive,
- past use,
- pensioned off,
- phlegmatic,
- pleased,
- pluckless,
- reconciled,
- relinquished,
- renounced,
- retired,
- sans souci,
- satisfied,
- servile,
- slack,
- sluggish,
- soporific,
- spiritless,
- spunkless,
- stoic,
- stupefied,
- submissive,
- subservient,
- superannuate,
- superannuated,
- superseded,
- supine,
- torpid,
- unassertive,
- uncaring,
- uncomplaining,
- unconcerned,
- uninterested,
- unrepining,
- unresistant,
- unresisting,
- withdrawn,
- without care,
- worn-out,
- yielding