Exact Match:
- salvage
- the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire
- the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction
- property or goods saved from damage or destruction
- collect discarded or refused material; "She scavenged the garbage cans for food"
- save from ruin, destruction, or harm
- abatement,
- admission,
- admission fee,
- agio,
- allowance,
- amends,
- anchorage,
- atonement,
- bank discount,
- blood money,
- breakage,
- brokerage,
- carfare,
- cash discount,
- cellarage,
- chain discount,
- charge,
- charge-off,
- charges,
- compensation,
- concession,
- conservancy,
- conservation,
- conservationism,
- consideration,
- cover charge,
- cut,
- damages,
- deduction,
- deliver,
- deliverance,
- delivery,
- demand,
- depreciation,
- discount,
- dockage,
- drawback,
- dues,
- entrance fee,
- environmental conservation,
- exaction,
- exactment,
- extract,
- extricate,
- extrication,
- fare,
- fee,
- forest conservation,
- forest management,
- free,
- freeing,
- guerdon,
- hire,
- honorarium,
- indemnification,
- indemnity,
- keeping,
- kickback,
- liberate,
- liberation,
- license fee,
- lifesaving,
- maintenance,
- meed,
- penalty,
- penalty clause,
- percentage,
- pilotage,
- portage,
- premium,
- preserval,
- preservation,
- price,
- price reduction,
- price-cut,
- protection,
- quittance,
- ransom,
- rebate,
- rebatement,
- recapture,
- reclaim,
- reclaiming,
- reclamation,
- recompense,
- recoup,
- recoupment,
- recover,
- recovery,
- recuperation,
- recycle,
- redeem,
- redemption,
- redress,
- reduction,
- refund,
- regain,
- regainment,
- release,
- remuneration,
- reoccupation,
- reparation,
- replevin,
- replevy,
- repossession,
- requital,
- requitement,
- rescue,
- restitution,
- restoration,
- resumption,
- retake,
- retaking,
- retribution,
- retrieval,
- retrieve,
- return,
- revindication,
- revival,
- reward,
- rollback,
- safekeeping,
- salvation,
- salve,
- satisfaction,
- save,
- saving,
- scot,
- scot and lot,
- set free,
- setoff,
- shot,
- smart money,
- soil conservation,
- solatium,
- storage,
- stream conservation,
- support,
- tare,
- time discount,
- toll,
- towage,
- trade discount,
- tret,
- trover,
- underselling,
- upkeep,
- water conservation,
- wergild,
- wetlands conservation,
- wharfage,
- wildlife conservation,
- win back,
- write-off