Exact Match:
- shipping
- conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry
- air express,
- airfreight,
- airlift,
- argosy,
- asportation,
- bearing,
- bottoms,
- carriage,
- carry,
- carrying,
- cartage,
- conveyance,
- drayage,
- expressage,
- ferriage,
- fleet,
- flotilla,
- freight,
- freightage,
- haulage,
- hauling,
- lighterage,
- line,
- lugging,
- merchant fleet,
- merchant navy,
- navy,
- packing,
- portage,
- porterage,
- railway express,
- shipment,
- ships,
- telpherage,
- tonnage,
- toting,
- transport,
- transportation,
- transshipment,
- truckage,
- waft,
- waftage,
- wagonage,
- whaling fleet