Exact Match:
- salve
- anything that remedies or heals or soothes; "he needed a salve for his conscience"
- apply a salve to, usually for the purpose of healing
- Trinkgeld,
- abate,
- aid,
- allay,
- alleviate,
- alleviative,
- alleviator,
- anesthetize,
- anodyne,
- anoint,
- appease,
- assuage,
- assuagement,
- assuager,
- balm,
- balsam,
- beeswax,
- benumb,
- bonus,
- bounty,
- bribe,
- brilliantine,
- calmative,
- cerate,
- chrism,
- cold cream,
- collyrium,
- comfort,
- consideration,
- counterirritant,
- cream,
- cushion,
- daub,
- deaden,
- deaden the pain,
- demulcent,
- diminish,
- dolorifuge,
- donative,
- dope,
- dose,
- double time,
- dress,
- dressing,
- drug,
- dull,
- ease,
- ease matters,
- embrocate,
- embrocation,
- emollient,
- eye-lotion,
- eyewash,
- eyewater,
- face cream,
- fee,
- foment,
- give relief,
- glycerolate,
- gratuity,
- gravy,
- grease,
- grease the wheels,
- hand lotion,
- honorarium,
- incentive pay,
- inducement,
- inunction,
- inunctum,
- lagniappe,
- lanolin,
- lard,
- largess,
- lay,
- lenitive,
- lessen,
- liberality,
- liniment,
- lotion,
- lubricant,
- lubricate,
- lull,
- medicate,
- mitigate,
- mitigator,
- moderator,
- modulator,
- mollifier,
- mollify,
- narcotic,
- nard,
- numb,
- oil,
- ointment,
- opiate,
- pacificator,
- pacifier,
- pad,
- palliate,
- palliative,
- palm oil,
- peacemaker,
- perks,
- perquisite,
- pomade,
- pomatum,
- poultice,
- pour balm into,
- pour oil on,
- pourboire,
- premium,
- reduce,
- relief,
- relieve,
- remedy,
- restraining hand,
- salvage,
- sedative,
- shock absorber,
- slacken,
- slake,
- slick,
- slick on,
- smear,
- smooth the way,
- soap the ways,
- soften,
- something extra,
- soothe,
- soother,
- soothing syrup,
- spikenard,
- sportula,
- stabilizer,
- stupe,
- subdue,
- sweetener,
- temperer,
- tip,
- tranquilizer,
- unction,
- unguent,
- unguentum,
- vulnerary,
- wax,
- wiser head