direct one's interest or attention towards; go into; "The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction"; "People turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium"
(law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature); "the rationale for capital punishment"; "the principles of internal-combustion engines"
arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness; "She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious"
remove from customary environment or associations; "Her busy schedule removed her from her duties as a mother"
the doctrine or belief that God is the universe and its phenomena (taken or conceived of as a whole) or the doctrine that regards the universe as a manifestation of God
make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force
specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"
give a guarantee or promise of; "They stipulated to release all the prisoners"