- accept,
- affix,
- altercate,
- anchor,
- annex,
- apologetics,
- apologia,
- apology,
- argument,
- argumentation,
- assume,
- attach,
- attack,
- attempt,
- barney,
- begin,
- belay,
- bicker,
- bickering,
- blast away,
- blast off,
- brawl,
- broil,
- buckle to,
- casuistry,
- cement,
- cinch,
- clamp,
- clinch,
- commence,
- contention,
- controversy,
- cramp,
- defense,
- differ,
- disputation,
- dispute,
- dive in,
- dive into,
- dustup,
- embark,
- embark in,
- embark upon,
- endeavor,
- engage in,
- engraft,
- enter,
- enter on,
- enter upon,
- fall into,
- fall to,
- fasten,
- feud,
- fight,
- fix,
- flite,
- flyting,
- get busy,
- get cracking,
- get going,
- get off,
- get to,
- get under way,
- get with it,
- go about,
- go ahead,
- go at,
- go in for,
- go into,
- go to it,
- go upon,
- graft,
- grapple,
- hassle,
- have at,
- have words,
- head into,
- hop to it,
- hubbub,
- join issue,
- jump off,
- jump to it,
- kick off,
- knit,
- knock-down-and-drag-out,
- launch,
- launch forth,
- launch into,
- lay about,
- light into,
- litigation,
- logomachy,
- make fast,
- moor,
- move into,
- open,
- paper war,
- passage of arms,
- pitch in,
- pitch into,
- plunge into,
- polemic,
- polemics,
- proceed to,
- put to,
- quarrel,
- rhubarb,
- row,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- rumpus,
- run-in,
- sail into,
- scrap,
- screw up,
- secure,
- send off,
- set,
- set about,
- set at,
- set forward,
- set going,
- set in,
- set out,
- set sail,
- set to work,
- shindy,
- spar,
- spat,
- squabble,
- start,
- start in,
- start off,
- start out,
- tackle,
- take off,
- take on,
- take up,
- tiff,
- tighten,
- trice up,
- trim,
- turn to,
- undertake,
- venture upon,
- verbal engagement,
- wade into,
- war of words,
- wrangle,
- wrangling