Exact Match:
- settled
- not changeable; "a period of settled weather"
- established in a desired position or place; not moving about; "nomads...absorbed among the settled people"; "settled areas"; "I don't feel entirely settled here"; "the advent of settled civilization"
- established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night"
- SOL,
- acquitted,
- agreed,
- all bets off,
- all off,
- all over,
- all up,
- all up with,
- anchored,
- arranged,
- ascertained,
- assigned,
- assured,
- at an end,
- attested,
- authenticated,
- beat,
- beaten,
- bent,
- bested,
- borne out,
- canceled,
- certain,
- certified,
- chronic,
- circumstantiated,
- colonized,
- compacted,
- complete,
- concluded,
- confirmed,
- confounded,
- constant,
- contracted,
- corroborated,
- covenanted,
- dead,
- decided,
- decisive,
- deep-dyed,
- deep-engraven,
- deep-fixed,
- deep-grounded,
- deep-laid,
- deep-rooted,
- deep-seated,
- deep-set,
- deep-settled,
- defeated,
- defunct,
- deleted,
- demonstrated,
- deployed,
- determinate,
- determined,
- discharged,
- discomfited,
- done,
- done for,
- done in,
- done with,
- down,
- dyed-in-the-wool,
- embedded,
- embosomed,
- embossed,
- empeopled,
- emplaced,
- ended,
- engaged,
- engrafted,
- engraved,
- ensconced,
- entrenched,
- established,
- etched,
- expended,
- expunged,
- extinct,
- fallen,
- fast,
- fastened,
- fini,
- finished,
- firm,
- firmly established,
- fixed,
- flinty,
- floored,
- graven,
- guaranteed,
- hired,
- hors de combat,
- immovable,
- implanted,
- impressed,
- imprinted,
- in the bag,
- incorrigible,
- inculcated,
- indelibly impressed,
- infixed,
- inflexible,
- ingrained,
- ingrown,
- inhabited,
- installed,
- instilled,
- intent,
- inveterate,
- inwrought,
- irreversible,
- kaput,
- lambasted,
- lathered,
- licked,
- liquidated,
- located,
- long-established,
- loyal,
- made sure,
- nailed down,
- occupied,
- old-line,
- on a rock,
- on bedrock,
- on ice,
- on the skids,
- open-and-shut,
- outdone,
- over,
- overborne,
- overcome,
- overmastered,
- overmatched,
- overpowered,
- overridden,
- overthrown,
- overturned,
- overwhelmed,
- paid,
- paid in full,
- panicked,
- peopled,
- perfected,
- placed,
- planted,
- populated,
- populous,
- positioned,
- posted,
- postpaid,
- prepaid,
- promised,
- proved,
- proven,
- put to rout,
- receipted,
- remitted,
- resolute,
- resolved,
- riveted,
- rooted,
- routed,
- ruined,
- salaried,
- scattered,
- sealed,
- seated,
- secure,
- set,
- set at rest,
- settled in habit,
- shot,
- shown,
- signed,
- silenced,
- situate,
- situated,
- skinned,
- skinned alive,
- sot,
- spent,
- spotted,
- stabilized,
- stampeded,
- staple,
- stated,
- stationed,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- steely,
- stipulated,
- substantiated,
- sworn,
- tenanted,
- terminated,
- tested,
- thorough,
- through,
- through with,
- tried,
- trimmed,
- trounced,
- true,
- unbending,
- undeflectable,
- undertaken,
- undone,
- unflappable,
- unshaken,
- unswerving,
- unyielding,
- upset,
- validated,
- verified,
- vested,
- waged,
- warranted,
- washed up,
- well-established,
- well-founded,
- well-grounded,
- well-set,
- well-settled,
- whelmed,
- whipped,
- wiped out,
- worsted,
- wound up,
- zapped