Exact Match:
- signature
- a sheet with several pages printed on it; it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book
- your name written in your own handwriting
- a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program
- ID card,
- John Hancock,
- OK,
- Smyth sewing,
- X,
- accent,
- accent mark,
- acceptance,
- accommodation,
- acknowledgment,
- acknowledgments,
- adjustment,
- affirmance,
- affirmation,
- approbation,
- approval,
- arrangement,
- article,
- authentication,
- authorization,
- autograph,
- back,
- back matter,
- backing,
- badge,
- banner,
- bar,
- bastard title,
- bibliography,
- bibliopegy,
- binder board,
- binding,
- book,
- book cloth,
- book cover,
- book jacket,
- bookbinding,
- bookcase,
- by-line,
- calligram,
- calling card,
- cancel,
- card,
- case,
- casemaking,
- casing-in,
- catch line,
- catchword,
- certification,
- chapter,
- character,
- characteristic,
- christcross,
- cipher,
- citation,
- clause,
- closing,
- collating,
- collating mark,
- colophon,
- conclusion,
- confession,
- confirmation,
- contents,
- contents page,
- copyright page,
- countermark,
- countersign,
- countersignature,
- counterstamp,
- cover,
- credentials,
- credit line,
- cross,
- custos,
- dedication,
- device,
- differentia,
- direct,
- dog tag,
- dot,
- dust cover,
- dust jacket,
- earmark,
- endleaf,
- endorsement,
- endpaper,
- endsheet,
- errata,
- expression mark,
- fascicle,
- fermata,
- flyleaf,
- folding,
- folio,
- footband,
- fore edge,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- gathering,
- gluing-off,
- go-ahead,
- green light,
- half-title page,
- hallmark,
- hand,
- hard binding,
- head,
- headband,
- hold,
- identification,
- identification badge,
- identification tag,
- idiosyncrasy,
- image,
- imprimatur,
- imprint,
- index,
- indicant,
- indicator,
- initials,
- ink,
- inscription,
- insignia,
- introduction,
- jacket,
- key signature,
- keynote,
- lead,
- leaf,
- letter of introduction,
- library binding,
- ligature,
- lining,
- lining-up,
- makeup,
- mark,
- mark of signature,
- measure,
- mechanical binding,
- metronomic mark,
- monogram,
- niggerhead,
- nod,
- notarization,
- notation,
- note,
- number,
- okay,
- page,
- paragraph,
- passage,
- pause,
- peculiarity,
- perfect binding,
- permission,
- phrase,
- picture,
- plastic binding,
- preface,
- preliminaries,
- presa,
- press card,
- property,
- ratification,
- recto,
- reference,
- representation,
- representative,
- reverso,
- rounding,
- rubber stamp,
- running title,
- saddle stitching,
- sanction,
- seal,
- sealing,
- section,
- segno,
- sentence,
- serial number,
- settlement,
- sewing,
- sheet,
- side sewing,
- sigil,
- sign,
- sign manual,
- signal,
- signet,
- signing,
- slipcase,
- slipcover,
- slur,
- smashing,
- soft binding,
- solemnization,
- spiral binding,
- stamp,
- stamp of approval,
- stamping,
- stapling,
- subscribe,
- subscription,
- subtitle,
- sure sign,
- swell,
- symbol,
- symptom,
- table of contents,
- tail,
- tailband,
- telltale sign,
- tempo mark,
- tessera,
- text,
- the nod,
- theme song,
- tie,
- time signature,
- tipping,
- title,
- title page,
- trademark,
- trait,
- tribute,
- trim size,
- trimming,
- type page,
- validation,
- verse,
- verso,
- vinculum,
- visa,
- vise,
- visiting card,
- warrant,
- wire stitching,
- wrapper