- Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
- alike,
- choicelessness,
- coequal,
- coextensive,
- coincident,
- coincidental,
- coinciding,
- congruent,
- correspondent,
- corresponding,
- coterminous,
- dead heat,
- deadlock,
- draw,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- even break,
- fair shake,
- indiscernible,
- indiscrimination,
- indistinct,
- indistinctive,
- indistinguishable,
- interchangeable,
- knotted score,
- neck-and-neck race,
- no choice,
- only choice,
- photo finish,
- stalemate,
- standard,
- standoff,
- stereotyped,
- synonymous,
- the same,
- tie,
- undifferentiated,
- undiscriminated,
- undistinguishable,
- undistinguished,
- uniform,
- without distinction