Exact Match:
- slack
- a cord or rope or cable that is hanging loosely; "he took up the slack"
- the condition of being loose (not taut); "he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope"
- a stretch of water without current or movement; "suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless"
- dust consisting of a mixture of small coal fragments and coal dust and dirt that sifts out when coal is passed over a sieve
- flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide; "slack water"
- cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water; "slack lime"
- make less active or fast; "He slackened his pace as he got tired"; "Don't relax your efforts now"
- release tension on; "slack the rope"
- be inattentive to, or neglect; "He slacks his attention"
- avoid responsibilities and work, be idle
- Laodicean,
- Micawberish,
- Olympian,
- Paphian,
- abandon,
- abate,
- abatement,
- abeyant,
- aloof,
- ambling,
- anemic,
- apathetic,
- asthenic,
- backward,
- bagging,
- baggy,
- bate,
- beat-up,
- bedraggled,
- behindhand,
- benumbed,
- blah,
- blase,
- bloodless,
- blow out,
- blowzy,
- bone-lazy,
- bones,
- cadging,
- careless,
- cataleptic,
- catatonic,
- cautious,
- chaff,
- chambering,
- chicken,
- chintzy,
- choke,
- circumspect,
- claudicant,
- coal dust,
- comatose,
- comb,
- coom,
- cowardly,
- crawling,
- creeping,
- creeping like snail,
- culm,
- culpably negligent,
- cut,
- dallying,
- damp,
- dangling,
- dead,
- deadwood,
- debilitated,
- decline,
- decrease,
- delay,
- delaying,
- deliberate,
- delinquent,
- derelict,
- desensitized,
- detached,
- diffuse,
- dilapidated,
- dilatory,
- dillydallying,
- diminish,
- diminution,
- dishwater,
- disinterested,
- disjoin,
- disperse,
- disregardful,
- do-nothing,
- dodge,
- dog it,
- doless,
- dopey,
- dormant,
- douse,
- down,
- downturn,
- drabbletailed,
- draff,
- draggled,
- draggletailed,
- dregs,
- dronish,
- drony,
- drooping,
- droopy,
- duck,
- duck duty,
- dull,
- dust,
- dwindling,
- ease,
- ease off,
- ease up,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- effete,
- ergophobic,
- etiolated,
- extinguish,
- faineant,
- faint,
- faintish,
- faltering,
- feeble,
- filings,
- flabby,
- flaccid,
- flagging,
- flapping,
- flat,
- floppy,
- foot-dragging,
- foul,
- free,
- frowzy,
- frumpish,
- frumpy,
- garbage,
- gash,
- gentle,
- get out of,
- give,
- goldbrick,
- gone,
- good-for-nothing,
- goof off,
- gradual,
- groggy,
- grubby,
- gutless,
- halting,
- hanging,
- heartless,
- heavy,
- hebetudinous,
- hobbling,
- hogwash,
- hopeless,
- husks,
- idle,
- imbecile,
- impotent,
- imprecise,
- in a stupor,
- in abeyance,
- in rags,
- in suspense,
- inactive,
- inactivity,
- inadvertent,
- inattentive,
- indifferent,
- indolent,
- inert,
- infirm,
- informal,
- insouciant,
- jump,
- lackadaisical,
- laggard,
- lagging,
- laissez-faire,
- languid,
- languorous,
- latent,
- lax,
- lazy,
- leaden,
- leave,
- leave loose ends,
- leave undone,
- leavings,
- lees,
- leisurely,
- lenient,
- lessening,
- let alone,
- let be,
- let dangle,
- let down,
- let go,
- let loose,
- let up,
- let up on,
- lethargic,
- lifeless,
- light,
- limber,
- limp,
- limping,
- lingering,
- listless,
- logy,
- loitering,
- loose,
- loose-moraled,
- loosen,
- looseness,
- lull,
- lumbering,
- lumpen,
- lustless,
- malinger,
- marrowless,
- messy,
- miss,
- mitigate,
- moderate,
- mussy,
- neglect,
- neglectful,
- neglecting,
- negligent,
- nerveless,
- nonaggressive,
- nonchalant,
- noninterfering,
- nonrestrictive,
- not pull fair,
- numb,
- numbed,
- of easy virtue,
- of loose morals,
- off,
- off-guard,
- offal,
- offscourings,
- omit,
- orts,
- otiose,
- out,
- overindulgent,
- overly permissive,
- overpermissive,
- parasitic,
- parings,
- pass over,
- pass up,
- passive,
- pause,
- permissive,
- phlegmatic,
- pithless,
- play,
- pluckless,
- poking,
- poky,
- pooped,
- potsherds,
- powerless,
- pretermit,
- procrastinate,
- procrastinating,
- procrastinative,
- procrastinatory,
- promiscuous,
- put out,
- quench,
- ragged,
- raggedy,
- rags,
- raspings,
- reduction,
- refuse,
- regardless,
- relax,
- relaxed,
- release,
- reluctant,
- remiss,
- remit,
- resigned,
- rickety,
- room,
- rubbery,
- ruinous,
- sagging,
- sapless,
- sauntering,
- scamping,
- scatter,
- scourings,
- scraggly,
- scrap iron,
- scraps,
- scrounging,
- scum,
- sedentary,
- seedy,
- shabby,
- shaky,
- shards,
- shavings,
- shiftless,
- shirk,
- shoddy,
- shuffling,
- sinewless,
- skimping,
- skip,
- skulk,
- slack off,
- slack up,
- slacken,
- slackening,
- slackness,
- slag,
- slake,
- slatternly,
- sleeping,
- slide out of,
- slighting,
- slip out of,
- slipshod,
- slop,
- sloppy,
- slops,
- slothful,
- slovenly,
- slow,
- slow as death,
- slow as molasses,
- slow as slow,
- slow down,
- slow up,
- slow-crawling,
- slow-foot,
- slow-going,
- slow-legged,
- slow-moving,
- slow-paced,
- slow-poky,
- slow-running,
- slow-sailing,
- slow-stepped,
- slow-up,
- sluggish,
- slumbering,
- slurring,
- sluttish,
- smoldering,
- smother,
- snail-paced,
- snaillike,
- sneak out of,
- snuff,
- snuff out,
- soft,
- soldier,
- soporific,
- sordid,
- spineless,
- spiritless,
- sponging,
- spunkless,
- squalid,
- staggering,
- stagnant,
- stamp out,
- standing,
- static,
- stifle,
- stoic,
- streaming,
- strengthless,
- strolling,
- stubble,
- stupefied,
- supine,
- suspended,
- sweepings,
- swill,
- tacky,
- tame,
- tares,
- tattered,
- tentative,
- tire,
- toddling,
- torpid,
- tortoiselike,
- tottering,
- trifle,
- trudging,
- turtlelike,
- unaroused,
- unbend,
- unbrace,
- uncaring,
- uncircumspect,
- unconcerned,
- unenterprising,
- unglue,
- unguarded,
- unhardened,
- unhurried,
- uninterested,
- unkempt,
- unlax,
- unleash,
- unneat,
- unnerved,
- unrestrained,
- unrigorous,
- unsightly,
- unsteady,
- unstick,
- unstrain,
- unstring,
- unstrung,
- untidy,
- untighten,
- unwary,
- unwatchful,
- unwind,
- waddling,
- wanton,
- wastage,
- waste,
- waste matter,
- wastepaper,
- wayward,
- weak,
- weaken,
- weakly,
- weeds,
- welsh,
- whorish,
- withdrawn,
- work-shy