Exact Match:
- slow
- not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time; "a slow walker"; "the slow lane of traffic"; "her steps were slow"; "he was slow in reacting to the news"; "slow but steady growth"
- at a slow tempo; "the band played a slow waltz"
- (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time; "the clock is slow"
- become slow or slower; "Production slowed"
- cause to proceed more slowly; "The illness slowed him down"
- Boeotian,
- Micawberish,
- after time,
- almost unheard-of,
- ambling,
- apathetic,
- arid,
- arrest,
- arrested,
- averse,
- back,
- backpedal,
- backward,
- backwater,
- balking,
- balky,
- barren,
- behind,
- behind the times,
- behind time,
- behindhand,
- belated,
- belatedly,
- benumbed,
- blah,
- blank,
- blase,
- blocked,
- blockish,
- bloodless,
- blunt,
- blunt-witted,
- bone-lazy,
- bored,
- boring,
- bovine,
- brake,
- cadging,
- carefully,
- cautious,
- cautiously,
- characterless,
- check,
- circumspect,
- circumspectly,
- claudicant,
- clip the wings,
- cloddish,
- cold,
- colorless,
- conservative,
- crawling,
- crawlingly,
- creeping,
- creeping like snail,
- creepingly,
- curb,
- dallying,
- dawdling,
- dead,
- dead-and-alive,
- debilitated,
- decelerate,
- deep into,
- delay,
- delayed,
- delayed-action,
- delaying,
- deliberate,
- deliberately,
- dense,
- detain,
- detained,
- dilatorily,
- dilatory,
- dillydallying,
- dim,
- dim-witted,
- disinclined,
- dismal,
- do-nothing,
- doless,
- doltish,
- dopey,
- dormant,
- dragging,
- draggy,
- draw rein,
- drearisome,
- dreary,
- dronish,
- drony,
- droopy,
- drugged,
- dry,
- dryasdust,
- dull,
- dull of mind,
- dull-headed,
- dull-pated,
- dull-witted,
- dumb,
- dunch,
- dusty,
- ease off,
- ease up,
- easily,
- easy,
- easygoing,
- effete,
- elephantine,
- empty,
- enervated,
- ergophobic,
- etiolated,
- exanimate,
- fade,
- faineant,
- faltering,
- falteringly,
- far on,
- fat-witted,
- feebleminded,
- flagging,
- flat,
- foot-dragging,
- gentle,
- gently,
- good-for-nothing,
- gradual,
- gross-headed,
- grudging,
- half-witted,
- halting,
- haltingly,
- hasteless,
- heavy,
- hebetudinous,
- held up,
- hesitant,
- ho-hum,
- hobbled,
- hobbling,
- hold back,
- hold in check,
- hold up,
- hollow,
- humdrum,
- hung up,
- idle,
- idly,
- imbecile,
- impede,
- in a bind,
- in abeyance,
- in low gear,
- in march time,
- in slow motion,
- in slow tempo,
- inactive,
- inane,
- inanimate,
- indifferent,
- indisposed,
- indolent,
- indolently,
- inert,
- inexcitable,
- infrequent,
- insipid,
- jaded,
- jammed,
- jejune,
- keep back,
- lackadaisical,
- laggard,
- lagging,
- languid,
- languidly,
- languorous,
- languorously,
- late,
- latish,
- lax,
- lazy,
- leaden,
- leisurely,
- let down,
- let up,
- lethargic,
- lifeless,
- limited,
- limping,
- limpingly,
- lingering,
- lingeringly,
- listless,
- loath,
- loitering,
- loiteringly,
- lollygagging,
- lose ground,
- lose momentum,
- lose speed,
- low-spirited,
- lumbering,
- lumpish,
- measurable,
- measured,
- moderate,
- moderately,
- monotonous,
- moratory,
- moribund,
- moronic,
- never on time,
- nonaggressive,
- none too soon,
- not with it,
- numb,
- obstruct,
- obstructed,
- obtuse,
- old-fashioned,
- old-fogyish,
- out of date,
- out of it,
- overdue,
- pale,
- pallid,
- parasitic,
- pedestrian,
- perceptible,
- perfunctory,
- phlegmatic,
- plodding,
- pointless,
- pokily,
- poking,
- pokingly,
- poky,
- ponderous,
- pooped,
- procrastinating,
- procrastinative,
- procrastinatory,
- progressive,
- quiet,
- rare,
- reef,
- rein in,
- relax,
- relaxed,
- relaxedly,
- reluctant,
- reluctantly,
- remiss,
- renitent,
- restive,
- retard,
- retarded,
- rusty,
- sated,
- sauntering,
- scarce,
- scrounging,
- seldom met with,
- seldom seen,
- set back,
- shiftless,
- shuffling,
- simple,
- slack,
- slack off,
- slack up,
- slacken,
- sleepy,
- slothful,
- slow as death,
- slow as molasses,
- slow as slow,
- slow down,
- slow to,
- slow up,
- slow-crawling,
- slow-foot,
- slow-going,
- slow-legged,
- slow-moving,
- slow-paced,
- slow-poky,
- slow-running,
- slow-sailing,
- slow-stepped,
- slow-witted,
- slowly,
- sluggish,
- sluggishly,
- snail-paced,
- snaillike,
- solemn,
- somnolent,
- soporific,
- sparse,
- spiritless,
- sponging,
- square,
- staggering,
- stagnant,
- stagnating,
- stay,
- steady,
- sterile,
- stiff,
- stodgy,
- stolid,
- stopped,
- straggling,
- strolling,
- stuffy,
- stultified,
- stupid,
- superficial,
- supine,
- take in sail,
- take it easy,
- tame,
- tardily,
- tardy,
- tarryingly,
- tasteless,
- tedious,
- tentative,
- tentatively,
- thick,
- thick-brained,
- thick-headed,
- thick-pated,
- thick-witted,
- thickskulled,
- throttle down,
- tiresome,
- toddling,
- torpid,
- tortoiselike,
- tottering,
- trudging,
- turtlelike,
- uncommon,
- under easy sail,
- unenterprising,
- unenthusiastic,
- uneventful,
- unfrequent,
- unhasty,
- unhurried,
- unhurriedly,
- unimaginative,
- unintelligent,
- uninteresting,
- unique,
- unlively,
- unproductive,
- unprogressive,
- unpunctual,
- unready,
- unresponsive,
- untimely,
- unusual,
- unwilling,
- unzealous,
- vapid,
- vegetable,
- vegetative,
- waddling,
- wan,
- wearisome,
- weary,
- with agonizing slowness,
- with deliberation,
- wooden,
- work-shy,
- world-weary