Exact Match:
- snare
- a trap for birds or small mammals; often has a slip noose
- strings stretched across the lower head of a snare drum; they make a rattling sound when the drum is hit
- a surgical instrument consisting of wire hoop that can be drawn tight around the base of polyps or small tumors to sever them; used especially in body cavities
- abstract,
- allure,
- allurement,
- and,
- annex,
- appropriate,
- bag,
- bait,
- bait the hook,
- baited trap,
- birdlime,
- bola,
- bongo drum,
- boost,
- borrow,
- capture,
- catch,
- catch out,
- catch up,
- charm,
- chicane,
- chicanery,
- cobweb,
- come-on,
- conga,
- cop,
- crib,
- deception,
- decoy,
- decoy duck,
- defraud,
- dragnet,
- drawcard,
- drawing card,
- drum,
- drumhead,
- drumskin,
- drumstick,
- embezzle,
- embrangle,
- endearment,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- ensnarement,
- ensnarl,
- entangle,
- enticement,
- entoil,
- entrap,
- entrapment,
- enweb,
- extort,
- filch,
- fishhook,
- fly,
- foul,
- gill net,
- gin,
- ground bait,
- harpoon,
- hook,
- hook in,
- inveigle,
- inveiglement,
- involve,
- jazz stick,
- jig,
- kettle,
- kettledrum,
- land,
- lariat,
- lasso,
- lift,
- lime,
- lure,
- make off with,
- membranophone,
- mesh,
- meshes,
- nail,
- net,
- nip,
- noose,
- palm,
- pilfer,
- pinch,
- plug,
- poach,
- pound net,
- purloin,
- purse seine,
- rope,
- run away with,
- rustle,
- sack,
- scrounge,
- seduce,
- seducement,
- seine,
- seize,
- shoplift,
- side drum,
- snag,
- snare drum,
- snarl,
- snatch,
- sniggle,
- snitch,
- spear,
- spinner,
- spread the toils,
- springe,
- squid,
- steal,
- swindle,
- swipe,
- tabor,
- taboret,
- tabret,
- take,
- tam-tam,
- tambourine,
- tangle,
- tangle up with,
- tempt,
- temptation,
- tenor drum,
- thieve,
- timbrel,
- timpani,
- toils,
- tom-tom,
- trammel,
- trap,
- trawl,
- trip,
- troll-drum,
- tymp stick,
- tympan,
- tympanon,
- tympanum,
- walk off with,
- war drum,
- wind,
- wobbler