Exact Match:
- snarl
- an angry vicious expression
- a vicious angry growl
- make more complicated or confused through entanglements
- make a snarling noise or move with a snarling noise; "Bullets snarled past us"
- Chinese puzzle,
- Gordian knot,
- Rube Goldberg contraption,
- allure,
- altercation,
- argument,
- ataxia,
- bait the hook,
- ball up,
- bark,
- bawl,
- belch,
- bellow,
- bicker,
- birdlime,
- blare,
- blat,
- blood feud,
- blubber,
- boom,
- brawl,
- bray,
- breathe,
- broil,
- burden,
- burr,
- buzz,
- cackle,
- can of worms,
- catch,
- catch out,
- caw,
- chant,
- chaos,
- chirp,
- chirr,
- clang,
- clangor,
- clank,
- clash,
- clutter,
- color,
- complex,
- complexity,
- complicate,
- complication,
- confound,
- confuse,
- contention,
- controversy,
- coo,
- cramp,
- craunch,
- cripple,
- croak,
- crow,
- crump,
- crunch,
- cumber,
- decoy,
- difficulty,
- dilemma,
- disarray,
- disorder,
- dispute,
- donnybrook,
- donnybrook fair,
- drawl,
- embarrass,
- embrangle,
- embroilment,
- encumber,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- ensnarl,
- entangle,
- entanglement,
- entoil,
- entrammel,
- entrap,
- entwine,
- enweb,
- exclaim,
- fetter,
- feud,
- fight,
- fix,
- fliting,
- flush,
- flute,
- foul up,
- fracas,
- frown,
- fuss,
- gasp,
- gin,
- glare,
- glower,
- gnarl,
- grimace,
- grind,
- groan,
- growl,
- grumble,
- grunt,
- hamper,
- hamstring,
- handicap,
- hiss,
- hobble,
- hook,
- hook in,
- howl,
- huddle,
- imbroglio,
- impede,
- implicate,
- intricacy,
- intricateness,
- inveigle,
- involve,
- jam,
- jangle,
- jar,
- jungle,
- keen,
- kink,
- knot,
- labyrinth,
- lame,
- lilt,
- lime,
- logomachy,
- look daggers,
- louse up,
- lower,
- lumber,
- lure,
- mantle,
- maze,
- meander,
- mesh,
- mess,
- mess up,
- mishmash,
- mix up,
- moan,
- morass,
- moue,
- mow,
- muck up,
- muddle,
- mumble,
- murmur,
- mutter,
- net,
- noose,
- open quarrel,
- pant,
- perplex,
- pickle,
- pipe,
- polemic,
- pout,
- predicament,
- press down,
- problem,
- quandary,
- quarrel,
- ramify,
- rasp,
- ravel,
- redden,
- rictus,
- roar,
- rumble,
- saddle with,
- scowl,
- scramble,
- scranch,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scream,
- screech,
- screw up,
- scrunch,
- shackle,
- sharp words,
- shriek,
- sibilate,
- sigh,
- sing,
- skein,
- slanging match,
- snafu,
- snag,
- snake pit,
- snap,
- snare,
- snarl up,
- sniggle,
- snore,
- snort,
- sob,
- sough,
- spat,
- spit,
- spread the toils,
- squabble,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- strife,
- swarm,
- tangle,
- tangled skein,
- thunder,
- tiff,
- tight spot,
- toil,
- topsy-turviness,
- trammel,
- trap,
- trip,
- trumpet,
- tussle,
- twang,
- twist,
- vendetta,
- wail,
- warble,
- web,
- webwork,
- weigh down,
- wheels within wheels,
- whine,
- whisper,
- whistle,
- wilderness,
- wind,
- words,
- wrangle,
- wry face,
- wry mouth,
- yap,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp