Exact Match:
- sour
- the taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth
- a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar
- smelling of fermentation or staleness
- having a sharp biting taste
- one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons
- go sour or spoil; "The milk has soured"; "The wine worked"; "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"
- make sour or more sour
- abrupt,
- absonant,
- acerb,
- acerbate,
- acerbic,
- acerbity,
- acescency,
- acescent,
- acetify,
- acid,
- acidic,
- acidify,
- acidity,
- acidulant,
- acidulate,
- acidulated,
- acidulent,
- acidulous,
- acidulousness,
- acrid,
- acrimonious,
- aftertaste,
- agent provocateur,
- aggravate,
- amaroidal,
- amplify,
- annoy,
- asperous,
- astringent,
- atonal,
- augment,
- bad,
- bad-tempered,
- bilious,
- biting,
- bitter,
- bitter as gall,
- blown,
- bread-and-butter pickle,
- brusque,
- build up,
- cacophonous,
- caustic,
- chokecherry,
- choleric,
- churlish,
- coarse,
- crab,
- crab apple,
- crabbed,
- crabby,
- cracked,
- cranky,
- cross,
- crusty,
- curdle,
- curdled,
- curt,
- cutting,
- deepen,
- deteriorate,
- diaphonic,
- dill pickle,
- disagreeable,
- disconsonant,
- discontented,
- discordant,
- disenchant,
- disharmonic,
- disharmonious,
- dislikable,
- displeasing,
- dissonant,
- distasteful,
- dry,
- dryness,
- dyspeptic,
- edgy,
- embitter,
- embittered,
- enhance,
- enlarge,
- envenom,
- escharotic,
- exacerbate,
- exasperate,
- ferment,
- fermented,
- flat,
- flavor,
- frowy,
- gamy,
- gloomy,
- go bad,
- go off,
- gone off,
- grating,
- green,
- green apple,
- greenness,
- grouchy,
- gust,
- hard,
- harsh,
- heat up,
- heighten,
- high,
- hot up,
- hyperacidity,
- ill-natured,
- ill-tempered,
- immelodious,
- impatient,
- increase,
- inharmonic,
- inharmonious,
- intensify,
- irritate,
- irritating,
- jaundiced,
- keen,
- lemon,
- lime,
- magnify,
- make acute,
- make worse,
- mordant,
- morose,
- musicless,
- nasty,
- nonmelodious,
- nose-tickling,
- off,
- off-key,
- off-tone,
- out of pitch,
- out of tone,
- out of tune,
- palate,
- peeve,
- peevish,
- penetrating,
- petulant,
- pickle,
- pickled,
- piercing,
- piquant,
- poignant,
- provoke,
- pungency,
- pungent,
- rancid,
- rank,
- raucous,
- reechy,
- relish,
- rough,
- salt,
- sapidity,
- sapor,
- savor,
- savoriness,
- sec,
- severe,
- sharp,
- sharpen,
- shrill,
- smack,
- snappish,
- sour as vinegar,
- sour balls,
- sour cream,
- sour grapes,
- sour pickle,
- sour-tempered,
- sourdough,
- soured,
- sourish,
- sourishness,
- sourness,
- spoil,
- spoiled,
- spoilt,
- stale,
- stinging,
- stomach,
- strident,
- strong,
- subacidity,
- sullen,
- sweet,
- tainted,
- tang,
- tart,
- tartish,
- tartishness,
- tartness,
- taste,
- terrible,
- testy,
- thankless,
- tongue,
- tooth,
- trenchant,
- tuneless,
- turn,
- turn sour,
- turned,
- ugly,
- unalluring,
- unappealing,
- unappetizing,
- unattractive,
- undelectable,
- undelicious,
- undesirable,
- unengaging,
- unenjoyable,
- unharmonious,
- uninviting,
- unlikable,
- unmelodious,
- unmusical,
- unpalatable,
- unpleasant,
- unpleasing,
- unripe,
- unripeness,
- unsavory,
- unsweet,
- unsweetened,
- unsweetness,
- untasteful,
- untunable,
- untuned,
- untuneful,
- unwelcome,
- verjuice,
- vex,
- vinegar,
- vinegariness,
- vinegarish,
- vinegarishness,
- vinegary,
- vitriolic,
- worsen,
- yogurt