Exact Match:
- sport
- the occupation of athletes who compete for pay
- an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
- someone who engages in sports
- a person known for the way she (or he) behaves when teased or defeated or subjected to trying circumstances; "a good sport"; "a poor sport"
- (Maine colloquial) a temporary summer resident of Maine
- wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat"
- Beau Brummel,
- Monopoly,
- Ping-Pong,
- Rugby,
- Scrabble,
- acrobatics,
- action,
- adventurer,
- advertise,
- affect,
- agate,
- agonistics,
- air,
- also-ran,
- amateur athlete,
- amusement,
- anomaly,
- antic,
- antics,
- archer,
- archery,
- association football,
- athlete,
- athletics,
- avatar,
- backgammon,
- badinage,
- badminton,
- bagatelle,
- ball,
- ballplayer,
- bandy,
- banter,
- baseball,
- baseball bat,
- baseballer,
- baseman,
- basketball,
- bat,
- bathing,
- batter,
- battery,
- battledore,
- battledore and shuttlecock,
- bauble,
- be dressed in,
- beano,
- beat,
- beau,
- belly laugh,
- betting ring,
- bettor,
- big time,
- billiards,
- bingo,
- blade,
- blazon forth,
- blocking back,
- blocks,
- blood,
- blue story,
- boneshaker,
- booby,
- boulevardier,
- bout,
- bowling,
- bowls,
- bowman,
- boxing,
- brandish,
- butt,
- call,
- caper,
- caracole,
- cardshark,
- cardsharp,
- cardsharper,
- carry on,
- cast lots,
- cat,
- catabolism,
- catalysis,
- catch,
- catcher,
- cavort,
- center,
- chaff,
- charades,
- chase,
- checkerboard,
- checkers,
- chess,
- chessboard,
- chevy,
- chivy,
- climbing,
- clotheshorse,
- club,
- coach,
- cockhorse,
- competitor,
- compulsive gambler,
- consubstantiation,
- contest,
- course,
- coursing,
- coxcomb,
- crambo,
- crap shooter,
- cricket,
- cricket bat,
- cricketer,
- croquet,
- crosspatch,
- cue,
- curling,
- curvet,
- cut a dido,
- cut capers,
- cut lots,
- cut the cards,
- cut up,
- cynegetics,
- dance,
- dandy,
- dangle,
- decathlon,
- defeatee,
- defensive lineman,
- demonstrate,
- deride,
- derision,
- dirty joke,
- dirty story,
- discus,
- displacement,
- display,
- disport,
- distraction,
- diversion,
- divertissement,
- dog,
- doll,
- doll carriage,
- dominoes,
- double entendre,
- double-header,
- doubles,
- draughts,
- draw lots,
- draw straws,
- drive,
- duck,
- dude,
- emblazon,
- end,
- enjoyment,
- entertainment,
- ethnic joke,
- event,
- exchange,
- exhibit,
- exquisite,
- falcon,
- falconry,
- fall guy,
- fashion plate,
- fencing,
- fine gentleman,
- fishing,
- fives,
- flash,
- flaunt,
- flounce,
- flourish,
- flush,
- follow the hounds,
- fool around,
- fooling,
- fooling around,
- football,
- footballer,
- fop,
- foursome,
- fowl,
- fox hunting,
- freak,
- fribble,
- frisk,
- frolic,
- fun,
- fun and games,
- funmaking,
- funny story,
- gag,
- gallant,
- gamble,
- gambler,
- gambol,
- game,
- game loser,
- games,
- games of chance,
- games-player,
- gamester,
- gewgaw,
- ghost,
- gimcrack,
- give-and-take,
- gliding,
- go,
- go hunting,
- golf,
- golf club,
- good loser,
- good one,
- good sport,
- good story,
- good time,
- good-natured banter,
- great fun,
- guard,
- gun,
- gunning,
- gymnastics,
- handball,
- harmless teasing,
- have on,
- hawk,
- hawking,
- hazarder,
- heterotopia,
- hide-and-seek,
- high jinks,
- high old time,
- high time,
- hiking,
- hobbyhorse,
- hockey,
- hold up,
- hopscotch,
- horse around,
- horseplay,
- horseshoes,
- hound,
- howler,
- humor,
- hunt,
- hunt down,
- hunting,
- hurdling,
- ice hockey,
- individualist,
- infielder,
- inner-directed person,
- innovation,
- jack,
- jack-a-dandy,
- jack-in-the-box,
- jackanapes,
- jacklight,
- jacks,
- jackstones,
- jackstraws,
- jape,
- jest,
- jestbook,
- jive,
- jock,
- joke,
- jollification,
- josh,
- jumper,
- keno,
- kickshaw,
- kidding,
- kidding around,
- knickknack,
- lacrosse,
- lady-killer,
- lark,
- laugh,
- laughs,
- lawn tennis,
- leapfrog,
- lineman,
- loser,
- lot,
- lotto,
- lovely time,
- luging,
- macaroni,
- man-about-town,
- manifest,
- marble,
- marbles,
- marionette,
- masher,
- match,
- match coins,
- meet,
- merels,
- metabolism,
- metagenesis,
- metamorphism,
- metamorphosis,
- metastasis,
- metathesis,
- metempsychosis,
- mig,
- misfit,
- mock,
- mockery,
- motorcycling,
- mountaineering,
- mumble-the-peg,
- mutant,
- mutated form,
- mutation,
- natation,
- naysayer,
- ninepins,
- nonconformist,
- novelty,
- oddball,
- offensive lineman,
- outfield,
- outfielder,
- palaestra,
- pall-mall,
- pallone,
- panic,
- paper doll,
- parade,
- pastime,
- pelota,
- pentathlon,
- permutation,
- persiflage,
- petty gambler,
- pick-up sticks,
- picnic,
- piker,
- pilgarlic,
- pinwheel,
- play,
- play at dice,
- play the ponies,
- play-off,
- player,
- plaything,
- pleasant time,
- pleasantry,
- pleasure,
- plunger,
- point,
- polo,
- poloist,
- pool,
- post office,
- professional athlete,
- prowl after,
- pugilist,
- punter,
- puppet,
- puppy,
- pushball,
- put forth,
- put forward,
- pyramids,
- quarterback,
- quintain,
- quits,
- race,
- racer,
- racket,
- racquets,
- raffle off,
- rag doll,
- raillery,
- rallying,
- recreate,
- recreation,
- reincarnation,
- relaxation,
- rib tickler,
- ride to hounds,
- ridicule,
- riding,
- riot,
- rocking horse,
- roller skating,
- rollick,
- romp,
- rounders,
- rowing,
- rugger,
- run,
- runoff,
- sailing,
- sailplaning,
- scream,
- sculling,
- sharp,
- sharper,
- sharpie,
- shikar,
- shinny,
- shoot,
- shoot craps,
- shooting,
- shot-put,
- show off,
- shuffleboard,
- sick joke,
- sidesplitter,
- sight gag,
- singles,
- skater,
- skating,
- skeet,
- skeet shooting,
- ski-jumping,
- skiing,
- skin-diving,
- skip,
- skittles,
- sledding,
- snooker,
- snorkel diving,
- snowmobiling,
- soccer,
- softball,
- spark,
- speculate,
- speculator,
- sporting,
- sporting man,
- sports,
- sportsman,
- squash,
- stalk,
- stalking,
- start,
- steelie,
- stickball,
- still hunt,
- still-hunt,
- stooge,
- story,
- surfing,
- swell,
- swimming,
- table tennis,
- tackle,
- tailback,
- taw,
- tease,
- teetotum,
- tennis,
- tenpins,
- tent pegging,
- tetherball,
- the vanquished,
- threesome,
- ticktacktoe,
- tiddlywinks,
- tilting,
- tinhorn,
- tipcat,
- tipster,
- tivoli,
- tobogganing,
- top,
- toss,
- tout,
- toxophilite,
- toy,
- toy soldier,
- track,
- track and field,
- trail,
- transanimation,
- transfiguration,
- transfigurement,
- transformation,
- transformism,
- translation,
- translocation,
- transmigration,
- transmogrification,
- transmutation,
- transposition,
- transubstantiation,
- trapshooting,
- trinket,
- trip,
- trumpet,
- trumpet forth,
- tug of war,
- tumbling,
- twit,
- twosome,
- underdog,
- vaunt,
- venery,
- venturer,
- victim,
- visual joke,
- volleyball,
- wagerer,
- water polo,
- waterskiing,
- wave,
- wear,
- wheeze,
- whim-wham,
- wingback,
- wow,
- wrestler,
- wrestling,
- yarn