Exact Match:
- stigma
- a skin lesion that is a diagnostic sign of some disease
- an external tracheal aperture in a terrestrial arthropod
- the apical end of the style where deposited pollen enters the pistil
- abscess,
- androecium,
- anther,
- aposteme,
- aspersion,
- attaint,
- badge of infamy,
- bar sinister,
- baton,
- bed sore,
- bend sinister,
- besmirchment,
- birthmark,
- black eye,
- black mark,
- blain,
- blaze,
- bleb,
- blemish,
- blister,
- bloodstain,
- blot,
- blotch,
- blur,
- boil,
- brand,
- broad arrow,
- bubo,
- bulla,
- bunion,
- calyx,
- canker,
- canker sore,
- carbuncle,
- carpel,
- caste mark,
- censure,
- champain,
- chancre,
- chancroid,
- check,
- checkmark,
- chilblain,
- cicatrix,
- cold sore,
- corolla,
- corolla tube,
- corona,
- cut,
- dab,
- dapple,
- daub,
- demerit,
- discoloration,
- disfigurement,
- disgrace,
- dishonor,
- disparagement,
- dot,
- earmark,
- engraving,
- epicalyx,
- eschar,
- eyesore,
- felon,
- fester,
- festering,
- fever blister,
- fistula,
- fleck,
- flick,
- flyspeck,
- freckle,
- furuncle,
- furunculus,
- gash,
- gathering,
- graving,
- gumboil,
- gynoecium,
- hack,
- hemorrhoids,
- imputation,
- jot,
- kibe,
- lentigo,
- lesion,
- macula,
- maculation,
- macule,
- mark,
- mark of Cain,
- marking,
- megasporophyll,
- microsporophyll,
- mole,
- mottle,
- nevus,
- nick,
- notch,
- odium,
- onus,
- papula,
- papule,
- paronychia,
- parulis,
- patch,
- perianth,
- petal,
- petechia,
- piles,
- pillorying,
- pimple,
- pistil,
- pock,
- point,
- point champain,
- polka dot,
- polyp,
- prick,
- puncture,
- pustule,
- receptacle,
- reflection,
- reprimand,
- reproach,
- rising,
- scab,
- scar,
- scarification,
- score,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- scratching,
- shame,
- slur,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smouch,
- smudge,
- smut,
- smutch,
- soft chancre,
- sore,
- spatter,
- speck,
- speckle,
- splash,
- splatter,
- splotch,
- spot,
- stain,
- stamen,
- stigmatism,
- stigmatization,
- strawberry mark,
- sty,
- style,
- suppuration,
- swelling,
- taint,
- tarnish,
- tattoo,
- tattoo mark,
- tick,
- tittle,
- torus,
- tubercle,
- ulcer,
- ulceration,
- wale,
- watermark,
- welt,
- wheal,
- whelk,
- whitlow,
- wound