Exact Match:
- study
- a room used for reading and writing and studying; "he knocked lightly on the closed door of the study"
- a state of deep mental absorption; "she is in a deep study"
- applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading); "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"; "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"
- a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing"
- someone who memorizes quickly and easily (as the lines for a part in a play); "he is a quick study"
- learn by reading books; "He is studying geology in his room"; "I have an exam next week; I must hit the books now"
- be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning
- think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes; "He is meditating in his study"
- give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
- Nachtmusik,
- Pap test,
- Walter Mitty,
- absence of mind,
- absolute music,
- absorbed attention,
- absorption,
- abstractedness,
- abstraction,
- academic discipline,
- academic specialty,
- adaptation,
- advisement,
- aim,
- air,
- air varie,
- airing,
- aleatory,
- aleatory music,
- ambition,
- analysis,
- analyze,
- anatomic diagnosis,
- animus,
- application,
- applied science,
- area,
- arena,
- arrangement,
- art,
- art object,
- article,
- aspiration,
- atelier,
- attend to business,
- autopsy,
- be abstracted,
- be alert,
- be determined,
- be obsessed with,
- bemusement,
- biological diagnosis,
- biopsy,
- black and white,
- bone,
- boning,
- booking office,
- box office,
- brainchild,
- brainwork,
- branch,
- branch office,
- bric-a-brac,
- brood,
- brooding,
- brouillon,
- brown study,
- buzz session,
- cabinet,
- canvass,
- canvassing,
- cartoon,
- castle-building,
- causerie,
- chamber music,
- chamber orchestra,
- chambers,
- chancellery,
- chancery,
- charcoal,
- charcoal drawing,
- check,
- check out,
- check over,
- check up,
- check up on,
- chew over,
- chew the cud,
- chiaroscuro,
- classic,
- classical education,
- clinical diagnosis,
- close study,
- closet,
- colloquium,
- comment upon,
- commit to memory,
- commitment to memory,
- composition,
- con,
- concentrate on,
- concentration,
- concern,
- conference,
- conning,
- consider,
- consideration,
- consulate,
- contemplate,
- contemplation,
- contemplativeness,
- controvert,
- core curriculum,
- corporate headquarters,
- counsel,
- course,
- course of study,
- cram,
- cramming,
- crayon,
- creation,
- curriculum,
- cytodiagnosis,
- daydream,
- daydreamer,
- daydreaming,
- deal with,
- debate,
- debating,
- deep study,
- deep thought,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- deliberation,
- delineation,
- den,
- department of knowledge,
- depth of thought,
- descant,
- desideration,
- desideratum,
- design,
- desire,
- determination,
- diagnosis,
- diagram,
- dialectic,
- dialogue,
- differential diagnosis,
- dig,
- digest,
- digital examination,
- discipline,
- discourse,
- discourse about,
- discuss,
- discussion,
- disquisition,
- dissertation,
- domain,
- doodle,
- draft,
- drawing,
- dream,
- dreaming,
- drill,
- ebauche,
- effect,
- elective,
- electrocardiography,
- electroencephalography,
- electromyography,
- electronic music,
- elucubrate,
- embassy,
- endeavor,
- engagement,
- engrossment,
- enquiry,
- esquisse,
- essay,
- etude,
- examination,
- examine,
- exchange of views,
- exchange views,
- excogitate,
- excursus,
- executive office,
- exercise,
- exercise of memory,
- exploration,
- exposition,
- extensive study,
- fantasy,
- fantasying,
- feature,
- field,
- field of inquiry,
- field of study,
- first approach,
- fit of abstraction,
- fix on,
- fixed purpose,
- flashback,
- focus on,
- forum,
- function,
- general education,
- general studies,
- get by heart,
- get letter-perfect,
- give an examination,
- give heed,
- go into,
- go over,
- graph,
- grind,
- grinding,
- grotesque,
- handle,
- harmonization,
- haunt,
- have by heart,
- headquarters,
- headwork,
- heed,
- hindsight,
- home office,
- homily,
- humanities,
- idea,
- immersion,
- incidental music,
- inquiry,
- inspect,
- inspection,
- instrumental music,
- intendment,
- intent,
- intention,
- intentness,
- introductory study,
- introspect,
- invention,
- investigate,
- investigation,
- involvement,
- joint discussion,
- kitsch,
- knock around,
- know by heart,
- labor,
- laboratory diagnosis,
- learn about,
- learn by heart,
- learn verbatim,
- learning,
- learning by heart,
- legation,
- lesson,
- lessons,
- liberal arts,
- library,
- line drawing,
- loft,
- logical analysis,
- logical discussion,
- look at,
- look lively,
- look out,
- look over,
- look sharp,
- looking back,
- lucubrate,
- lucubration,
- main office,
- major,
- mammography,
- master,
- masterpiece,
- masterwork,
- meaning,
- meditate,
- meditation,
- melancholy,
- memoir,
- memorization,
- memorize,
- memorizing,
- mental labor,
- mind,
- minor,
- miss nothing,
- mobile,
- monitor,
- monograph,
- monomania,
- mooning,
- moonraking,
- morceau,
- motive,
- mull over,
- muse,
- muse on,
- musefulness,
- museum piece,
- musing,
- muted ecstasy,
- natural science,
- nisus,
- nocturne,
- note,
- nude,
- observe,
- obsession,
- office,
- old master,
- ology,
- open discussion,
- open forum,
- opus,
- oral examination,
- orchestration,
- outline,
- overhaul,
- overhauling,
- overlook,
- pandect,
- panel discussion,
- paper,
- paragraph,
- parrot,
- pass over,
- pass under review,
- pastel,
- pasticcio,
- pastiche,
- pay attention,
- pay heed,
- peer at,
- pen-and-ink,
- pencil drawing,
- pensiveness,
- perlustration,
- perpend,
- perusal,
- peruse,
- physical diagnosis,
- physical examination,
- piece,
- piece of virtu,
- pipe dream,
- pipe-dreaming,
- plan,
- play around with,
- play with,
- plunge into,
- point,
- ponder,
- pondering,
- pore over,
- postmortem,
- postmortem diagnosis,
- practice,
- preliminary study,
- preoccupation,
- production,
- profound thought,
- program music,
- project,
- prolegomenon,
- proposal,
- proseminar,
- prospectus,
- province,
- pure science,
- purpose,
- quadrivium,
- quality control,
- rap,
- rap session,
- rapt attention,
- read,
- reading,
- reason,
- reason about,
- reason the point,
- recall,
- recalling,
- recite,
- recollecting,
- recollection,
- reconsideration,
- reflect,
- reflection,
- reflectiveness,
- refresher course,
- regard studiously,
- remembering,
- remembrance,
- reminiscence,
- repeat,
- repeat by heart,
- research,
- research paper,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- restudy,
- restudying,
- retreat,
- retrospect,
- retrospection,
- reverie,
- review,
- revolving,
- ricercar,
- rote,
- rote memory,
- rough copy,
- rough draft,
- rough outline,
- ruminate,
- rumination,
- run over,
- run-through,
- sail loft,
- sake,
- sanctum sanctorum,
- scan,
- science,
- scientific education,
- score,
- screed,
- scrutinize,
- scrutiny,
- seek,
- seminar,
- serodiagnosis,
- set an examination,
- shop,
- sift,
- silhouette,
- silver-print drawing,
- single-mindedness,
- sinopia,
- size,
- size up,
- sketch,
- smear,
- social science,
- sonata,
- sonatina,
- special article,
- specialty,
- speculate,
- speculation,
- speculativeness,
- sphere,
- stabile,
- stacks,
- stargazing,
- statue,
- still life,
- strain,
- string orchestra,
- string quartet,
- strive,
- striving,
- struggle,
- studio,
- studiousness,
- studying,
- subdiscipline,
- subject,
- submersion,
- survey,
- swat,
- swatting,
- sweat,
- sweat blood,
- swot,
- swot up,
- swotting,
- symposium,
- take care,
- take heed,
- take stock of,
- take the measure,
- take up,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- technical education,
- technicology,
- technics,
- technology,
- term paper,
- test,
- theme,
- theme and variations,
- thesis,
- think about,
- think over,
- thoughtfulness,
- thresh out,
- ticket office,
- town meeting,
- toy with,
- tracing,
- tract,
- tractate,
- trance,
- treat,
- treatise,
- treatment,
- trio,
- trivium,
- turn over,
- urinalysis,
- uroscopy,
- variation,
- ventilate,
- ventilation,
- vet,
- view,
- vignette,
- virtu,
- visitation,
- wade through,
- watch out,
- weigh,
- weighing,
- wide reading,
- will,
- wistfulness,
- woolgathering,
- work,
- work of art,
- work-up,
- workroom