Exact Match:
- supreme
- greatest or maximal in degree; extreme; "supreme folly"
- final or last in your life or progress; "the supreme sacrifice"; "the supreme judgment"
- highest in excellence or achievement; "supreme among musicians"; "a supreme endxxeavor"; "supreme courage"
- absolute,
- acmatic,
- all-absorbing,
- all-knowing,
- all-powerful,
- all-seeing,
- all-wise,
- almighty,
- apical,
- ascendant,
- at the head,
- authoritarian,
- authoritative,
- authorized,
- autocratic,
- best,
- boss,
- boundless,
- brilliant,
- capital,
- cardinal,
- champion,
- changeless,
- chief,
- choice,
- clothed with authority,
- commanding,
- competent,
- consequential,
- considerable,
- consummate,
- controlling,
- creating,
- creative,
- crowning,
- dominant,
- duly constituted,
- elect,
- elite,
- eminent,
- empowered,
- eternal,
- eternally the same,
- everlasting,
- ex officio,
- excellent,
- extreme,
- final,
- first,
- first-class,
- first-rate,
- for the best,
- foremost,
- general,
- glorious,
- good,
- governing,
- great,
- greatest,
- hallowed,
- handpicked,
- head,
- headmost,
- hegemonic,
- hegemonistic,
- highest,
- holy,
- immortal,
- immutable,
- imperative,
- important,
- in ascendancy,
- in charge,
- in chief,
- in the ascendant,
- incomparable,
- infinite,
- influential,
- inimitable,
- just,
- last,
- leading,
- limitless,
- loftiest,
- loving,
- luminous,
- main,
- majestic,
- making,
- master,
- masterful,
- masterly,
- matchless,
- maximal,
- maximum,
- merciful,
- meridian,
- meridional,
- mighty,
- momentous,
- monocratic,
- most,
- numinous,
- official,
- omnipotent,
- omnipresent,
- omniscient,
- one,
- optimal,
- optimum,
- outstanding,
- overmost,
- overriding,
- overruling,
- paramount,
- peerless,
- perfect,
- permanent,
- perpetual,
- picked,
- plenipotentiary,
- potent,
- powerful,
- predominant,
- predominate,
- preeminent,
- premier,
- prepollent,
- preponderant,
- preponderate,
- prepotent,
- prestigious,
- prevalent,
- primary,
- prime,
- principal,
- prize,
- prominent,
- puissant,
- quintessential,
- radiant,
- ranking,
- regnant,
- regulating,
- regulative,
- regulatory,
- reigning,
- ruling,
- sacred,
- select,
- senior,
- shaping,
- sovereign,
- sublime,
- substantial,
- summital,
- superb,
- superior,
- superlative,
- surpassing,
- timeless,
- tip-top,
- top,
- top-notch,
- topmost,
- totalitarian,
- towering,
- transcendent,
- ubiquitous,
- ultimate,
- unbounded,
- unchanging,
- undefined,
- unequaled,
- unexcelled,
- unlimited,
- unmatchable,
- unmatched,
- unparalleled,
- unrivaled,
- unsurpassable,
- unsurpassed,
- upmost,
- uppermost,
- utmost,
- uttermost,
- vertical,
- very best,
- weighty,
- zenithal