- account,
- aggregate,
- all,
- amount,
- anecdotage,
- anecdote,
- back-fence gossip,
- backbiting,
- backstabbing,
- be-all and end-all,
- belittlement,
- blague,
- box score,
- calumny,
- canard,
- cast,
- chitchat,
- chronicle,
- cock-and-bull story,
- count,
- defamation,
- depreciation,
- difference,
- disparagement,
- entirety,
- enumerate,
- epic,
- epos,
- exaggeration,
- fabrication,
- fairy tale,
- falsehood,
- falsification,
- falsity,
- farfetched story,
- farrago,
- fib,
- fiction,
- fish story,
- flam,
- flimflam,
- ghost story,
- gossip,
- gossiping,
- gossipmongering,
- gossipry,
- groundless rumor,
- half-truth,
- history,
- idle talk,
- legal fiction,
- libel,
- lie,
- little white lie,
- mendacity,
- misrepresentation,
- myth,
- narration,
- narrative,
- newsmongering,
- number,
- numerate,
- piece of gossip,
- pious fiction,
- prevarication,
- product,
- quantity,
- recital,
- reckoning,
- record,
- report,
- rumor,
- saga,
- scandal,
- score,
- scuttlebutt,
- slander,
- slight stretching,
- story,
- sum,
- sum total,
- summation,
- talebearing,
- taletelling,
- talk,
- tall story,
- tall tale,
- tally,
- taradiddle,
- tattle,
- tell,
- the bottom line,
- the story,
- the whole story,
- tittle-tattle,
- total,
- totality,
- tote,
- trumped-up story,
- untruth,
- white lie,
- whole,
- x number,
- yam,
- yarn