Exact Match:
- tall
- a garment size for a tall person
- great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"
- Gongoresque,
- Johnsonian,
- a bit thick,
- a bit thin,
- a mile long,
- absurd,
- affected,
- altitudinous,
- bedizened,
- beyond belief,
- big,
- big-sounding,
- bombastic,
- bumper,
- colossal,
- considerable,
- convoluted,
- declamatory,
- doubtable,
- doubtful,
- dubious,
- dubitable,
- elevated,
- euphuistic,
- exaggerated,
- extensive,
- extravagant,
- far-flung,
- far-reaching,
- fargoing,
- flamboyant,
- flaming,
- flashy,
- flaunting,
- fulsome,
- gangling,
- gangly,
- garish,
- gassy,
- gaudy,
- giant,
- gigantic,
- goodly,
- grand,
- grandiloquent,
- grandiose,
- grandisonant,
- great,
- hard of belief,
- hard to believe,
- healthy,
- high,
- high-flowing,
- high-flown,
- high-flying,
- high-reaching,
- high-sounding,
- high-swelling,
- highfalutin,
- highfaluting,
- huge,
- implausible,
- improbable,
- inconceivable,
- incredible,
- inflated,
- inkhorn,
- interminable,
- labyrinthine,
- lank,
- lanky,
- large,
- large-scale,
- leggy,
- lengthy,
- lexiphanic,
- lofty,
- long,
- long-legged,
- longish,
- longsome,
- lurid,
- magniloquent,
- man-sized,
- meretricious,
- no end of,
- not deserving belief,
- numerous,
- open to doubt,
- open to suspicion,
- orotund,
- ostentatious,
- outrageous,
- overblown,
- overdone,
- overelaborate,
- overinvolved,
- overwrought,
- passing belief,
- pedantic,
- pompous,
- preposterous,
- pretentious,
- problematic,
- questionable,
- rangy,
- rhetorical,
- ridiculous,
- sensational,
- sensationalistic,
- sententious,
- sesquipedal,
- sesquipedalian,
- showy,
- sizable,
- sky-high,
- skyscraping,
- soaring,
- sonorous,
- staggering belief,
- statuesque,
- steep,
- stilted,
- substantial,
- suspect,
- suspicious,
- swollen,
- thick,
- thin,
- tidy,
- tortuous,
- towering,
- unbelievable,
- unconvincing,
- unearthly,
- ungodly,
- unimaginable,
- unthinkable,
- unworthy of belief,
- windy,
- without end